By Wistful
United Kingdom
Can anyone recommend a lawnmower for a 4x4m circular lawn that does collect the grass without spraying it in my face and all over the raised beds?
Bought a small flymo last year and it does colllect but covers me and everything else in clippings.
Don't understand why as it was a WHICH best buy.
Have used a 'push me pull you', hand mower, but the wheels do dig grooves in the grass, and is impoossible in the damp weather (know you're not supposed to mow in the wet, buthey, this is England!)
Any feedback would be most appreciated.
17 Jun, 2011
I have a Flymo that collects the grass it would be alright for you and the new ones like mine come with a flex rewind to
17 Jun, 2011
I don't know which Flymo you bought last year, but I used a customer's new one the other day - it collects the cuttings and I was quite impressed with it. I can't remember its name, other than being a flymo, but it has a flap you lift and then you lift out the grey inner which has all the cuttings in, empty and just drop it back in and close the flap again, really easy to empty. Only time it sprayed cuttings was when I was half on the patio and half on the lawn. It's got a sort of wide funnel at the bottom on the back one side which is where cuttings go up into the mower - and I found, if you ran it in the right place over the soggy lumps you sometimes get with flymos, it sucked those up too, like a hoover.
17 Jun, 2011