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maybe wine weevil

rainham, essex, United Kingdom

I've been collecting my begonia's to store for winter and when I tipped them out, there were a lot of grubs (maggot like) in the soil. I decided to wash the tubers to make sure of getting rid of all the soil and found that these grubs seem to have inbedded themselves into the tubers. I left them submerged in water for a couple of hours but is there anything else I can do to ensure I've got them all, or should they all be destroyed.



Hi Whatsthis, welcome to GOY.Submerged in just water will not have destroyed all of the grubs. Try salt in warm water, they should float up to the top of the container.
The salt will not harm the tubers.

27 Nov, 2008


thanks doctorbob1 - do you think they are wine weevil grubs

27 Nov, 2008


Hi Whatsthis, I had a visist from the dreaded wine weevils a few years ago they got in all my tubs and caused havock! I found that if I ran my fingers around under the curled edges of the tubs the vine weevil beetles were dropping out in dozens all nesting there, the bugs got into my begonias too, but I bought the Vine Weevil killer from the garden centre and systematically watered every tub I had and carefully went through the soil of any tubs I emptied and thankfully I rid my garden of them, don't let them get to that proportion!!!! be warned. Mine seemed to come from nowhere in no time. Good Luck!

27 Nov, 2008


Hi again.
Yes they most probably are vine weevils, they are difficult to get rid of and they do hang about. The best time to catch the adults is in April/ May with young Hydrangea leaves placed in the greenhouse or containers overnight and then destroy them in the morning. Or as Telme says you can use the spray.

27 Nov, 2008


Killing root weevils in that stage of life is darn near impossible. Orthene might be the only thing that might work. Isotox maybe, the formulation has changed. These are chemicals available in America and Orthene is for growers only. It is dangerous stuff.

I once infected my California Nursery with these bugs. A purchase I had made from an Oregon company. We put 1o weevils into test execution chambers. Tried everything. NOTHING worked. We then tried combining things. :-(

Cygon with god knows what. We tried a couple of these combinations until one actually started fuming. We had created the equivalent of a World War 1 poison gas. It did kill the critters, but could have taken out two fools as well.

Soaking these bulbs may also be problematical. They need to dry out... My own more organic approach would be dig out all you can with a nail if need be. Roll them in diatamacious earth and then put them in a cedar type sawdust. Pray

As everyone else has posted, the vine weevil can be controlled during their adult stage. The April/May thing is the same here in the Pacific NW. One needs to do it every two weeks during this entire time frame. There are products labeld for this. Neem oil is a potential alternative.
I have mixed feelings about that.

Here they feast on Strawberry, Bergenia Rhodies and so much more.

28 Nov, 2008

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