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how do i overwinter my echeveria 'Duchess of Nuremberg'

United Kingdom

Very large plant, the bottom leaves are starting to rot

On plant Echeveria



Hi Jeannette, welcome to GoY.

You don't say where you are in the UK or whether your plant is in the house, the greenhouse/conservatory or, if you are in a very mild area, planted out.

But to generalise, like all Echeveria, D. of Nuremberg is, as succulents go pretty hardy. Cut off the rotting leaves, cut down on the watering and make sure the frost doesn't get to it. Although it will even take a light frost. A light feeding in spring will help it to kick back into life.

Sorry to be a little bit vague but that really is about it in that we have few details on your growing conditions for the plant. If you need more exact advice come back with more details of where it is. Handsome variety by the way. No wonder you don't want to lose it.


21 Nov, 2008


Hi Jeannette, welcome to GOY, and sorry John, i would'nt risk it outside at all. i have many different varieties of Echeveria - and i think there tollerance is all pretty much the same. I have been growing them for many years, i live in the London area, which as you will proberly know is one of the mildest parts of the country. i have always lost them outside even with fleece in a sheltered location, i think the biggest problem is they get too damp and rot from the middle, also although it does say they can handle a little frost so if they get caught outside once or twice before you bring them in, they should be fine, but they can not handle prolonged frost, even if it is light dustings. luckly i always take cuttings late summer so have managed to keep my collection going. John is right on the rest of what he has said though, you do need to remove all of the dead and rotting bits, and watch out for vine weevil they are about this time of year, removing dead or dieing bits will discourage them. it is important that echeveria get plenty of light even through the winter, otherwise they will become leggy, and water very sparingly and always from the bottom - they can take cold but not frost. i overwinter mine in my unheated greenhouse and coldframe, and also in my enclosed porch and they do fine. basically anywhere thatis cold, but frost free with good air circulation and plenty of natural light. at a push bring them into the house, a sunny windowsil will do, but keep them away from central heating. hope this helps, i find they are pretty easy to overwinter, but if in any doubt always pot up any side shoots just incase.

21 Nov, 2008


Majeekahead. We are not disagreeing at all except I don't accept London as being one of the very mildest areas of the country. I practiced in London for 20 years and find the Yorkshire coast far easier for exotics. LOL. VERY mild parts of the country are in the west. Particularly Cornwall and the Scillies and I didn't actually suggest that Jeannette should grow them outside. Just asked where she was growing them.

Pleased you are able to add to my post. I only have 3 different ones and you clearly are far more experienced. But although you have added there is no real disagreement in our advice.


21 Nov, 2008


OOOOOOHHHHHHH easy tigar! LOL. certainly did'nt mean to upset anyone. not disagreeing at all, just adding my expereinces to yours, It feels very cold here a lot of the time but we suposedly have a micro climate even if it is'nt as warm as CornwalI, certainly not as cold as Scottish Highlands, There is a possiblity that you might get away with it in Cornwall, who knows? to be honest would'nt like to test it on what is obvioulsy a treasured plant for you Jeanett, even if you are in one of the areas that John has said. I have got away with all sorts outside, including Bird of paradise (one year then lost it the next), Mexican Yucca(no problems or protection at all) Agave (with fleece) amonge others, there is no hard and fast, but just not had any luck with Echeveria, outside, it is a risk no matter what part of the UK you live in, mainly because of the wetness, and prolonged frost. not necessarly how cold it gets - well in my expereince, and it does'nt matter how much experience you do or don't have we are all always learning, this is something i have grown for several years and have tried many different approches to overwintering as i have limited space in my mini greenhouse, - with the exeption of taking one to Cornwall ofcourse! lol I thought that Jeannette might like the benifit of my expereince, heaven forbid would i disagree with you John lol

21 Nov, 2008


I grow several of these and winter them in an unheated Polythene tunnel. From now on I will withold all watering, unless they become distressed. I have removed all dead or dying leaves making sure they are off right at the stem.Then give a top dressing of sharp grit round the top of the stem. Usually I Winter them in seed tays rather than pots. Last year I planted some in the soil of the tunnel and they have stayed there all summer as well. This may well be the safest place to over winter them, as there is always a little moisture available and they need no watering at all through the wInter

21 Nov, 2008

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