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I'm new and would like to know what a flag means on your blog. Mine is the only one I see that doesn't have one.

MS, United States

Question about bloging.



I see you have one now Hawk!, like me the first blog I was as lost as you, I kept clicking the little smily face and could not understand why my "like this blog" was not registering, until I realised I had to click the writting not the face!. Then I clicked the flag thinking it was because I wanted to remember it,as I was interested in it particularly.
That action brought a message "what did I not like about this blog what did I object to!!!" oh dear I then realised what the flag was for! if I wanted to complain about something in the blog!!! so we all learn bit by bit. Good luck, I hope you enjoy as much as I do, your new found hobby for these darker nights.

13 Nov, 2008


Hallo Hawk - I've explained this 'flag' system in reply to a comment you made about it elsewhere, but I'll do it again here in case you don't spot it.

You can't see the flags on your questions comments, blogs or photos, but we all can. You can see everyone else's. The flags are there as a safety-net in case someone writes something racist, sexist, uses inappropriate language etc.

Should a member take exception to something posted, they can click on the flag, which alerts Peter and Ajay who set up and 'manage' the site. So there have been odd occasions when this has happened, and something has got deleted by them. It's a good system, as we, the members can help to 'police' the site as it grows.

BTW, it's all done confidentially - if a member does 'flag' something, only Peter and Ajay know.

13 Nov, 2008


you only flag other pples responses if they are not cool....anything you write has a flag by it incase they want to report you

16 Nov, 2008

How do I say thanks?

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