The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Essex, United Kingdom

Can someone please tell me what the following plants are please? Have inherited a mature garden after moving house earlier this year, and am unsure of the names of some of the plants that have bloomed this Spring. It may well be that some of the photos show weeds, but that merely shows my botanical ignorance. Thanks in advance for the help.



First one's Polygonatum (commonly known as Solomon's Seal). The bottom one might be Weigela florida (not a good photo) and I'm not sure what the middle one is.

1 May, 2011


1, solomons seal,2, Achilea, 3,And its weigelia, julien.

1 May, 2011


Be wary of the second one - there's a weed called Yarrow which is very similar to Achillea - a relation. If your plant has 'dirty white' flowers, get rid of it.

1 May, 2011


Bamboo & Julien, many thanks for the swift response. Your current assistance and potentially further future assistance is greatly appreciated... I'm afraid my botanical knowledge is sadly lacking, having previously resided in a gardenless abode for approximately 7 years. However, what I lack in knowledge, I hope to make up for with enthusiasm and a desire to learn from others. Thanks for starting me on the learning curve, and hopefully my photography skills will improve as speedily! ;)

1 May, 2011


Its possibly Achillea millefolium, the flowers will be white sometimes shaded pink,, it may have mauve flowers, the common one has smaller white flower heads, which i think are quite nice, i have them in a pot and they look great, wait and see what the flowers are before taking any action,julien.

1 May, 2011


Spritzhenry, thank you for the warning. I shall keep a wary eye open...

1 May, 2011


Julien, point taken. One man's junk can be another's treasure, and I imagine the same can be said of flowering plants and weeds to a certain extent...

1 May, 2011


Just to add, solomon seal are prone to sawfly, where, in the early summer you will find lots of grey sawfly catterpillers chomping away at the foliage, it will not kill the perrenial just defoliates it, either pick them off by hand or use a spray, julien

1 May, 2011


Julien, thanks for the further advice, I can only hope that should such an infestation occur, that I shall be assisted in their demise by the multitude of resident garden birds...

1 May, 2011


I don't think so, not so's you'd notice - but however badly they are eaten they seem to come back next year. I have just found one in my garden that I'd forgotton I'd planted - a nice spring surprise!

1 May, 2011

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