planting bulbs
By Gwendas
United Kingdom
sorry me again! cos really need advice about planting bulbs as never done before. Am planting mini narcissus, tulips and crocus.
5 Sep, 2008
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spring bulbs
Narcissi - as soon as possible, as with Crocus. Tulips not yet. They can be prone to Tulip fire if planted too early, and can be planted November - December. I haven't planted my bulbs yet - too wet! I shall put a 'base' of horticultural grit in each hole to help stop them rotting!
5 Sep, 2008
Thank you everyone for prompt replies and advice - helped me with order of planting and made me feel better about storing them and not being able to get them planted yet.
Will try and get some paper bags tomorrow Spritz! it's so frustrating not having good enough weather when I've got time to get out in the garden. I suppose that's what makes this hobby always different?!
5 Sep, 2008
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« don't know what to do about planting bulbs while my ground is so waterlogged...
Hi Gwendas - I'm not a bulbs expert by any means but I'd say you're OK up until the end of October or even into November if necessary. A box of tulip bulbs I have here says to plant Sept - Dec but I think December would be pushing it a bit. Keep them dry and cool and wait for the torrents to subside! We'll look forward to the photos around March when you show them off to us!!
5 Sep, 2008