blueberry cuttings
By Islander
United Kingdom
i have tried to take cuttings from my blueberry bushes a few times but they never take. is there a secret to taking them? would appreciate any advice
25 Aug, 2008
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Hi after buying a single blueberry plant myself a couple of years ago and since then forgetting the variety I am also contemplating taking a cutting from the original plant, and thought Id pass on what Ive found so far. ( I might add I am in no way an expert and I am yet to try these techniques myself so please look for further information before hacking away at your prized fruit bushes!)
From what I can find the easiest ways are to either layer it like you would with a Hazel tree, or by taking a 6 inch green wood cutting, removing most of the leaves leaving two or three, dipping the cut end in rooting hormone and sitting in warm moist sand for 8 weeks to allow the roots to start growing then moving into an ericaceous compost mix.
Hope this helps
2 Jun, 2009