The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Eilen

United Kingdom Gb

How can I get rid of and stop lilac tree shoots from my neighbours lilac tree coming up in my garden--under the dividing fence!




"Suckers" you would have to dig a trench along the fence , cut off all the roots you find and trace them into your garden and remove all otherwise they will carry on growing.

"Root barrier for bamboo" if you google that and you find out its made of a very heavy duty plastic and you could place that along the trench by the fence then fill back in with the soil you have taken out , its the only method I know and you coudnt use a chemical as the following year you will have the same problem


15 Aug, 2015


Thank you for your reply--there is one problem--I happen to be an old lady of 85!! I think that I will have to find a good and reasonably priced gardener!

15 Aug, 2015


what get the gardener to do it for you , or lawn that bit over and a regular mowing will cut the suckerS off

or have a chat with next door, as if me I would come around to your side and sort it of for you with a box of chocolates.


16 Aug, 2015


Unfortunately I cannot grass it over 'cos it is at the back of a raised border--but--I am very grateful for the various suggestions--I am working on them!

16 Aug, 2015

How do I say thanks?

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