By Fractal_cat
United Kingdom
Tulipa turkestanica
I bought these little beauties a couple of years ago and they seem to have established themselves nicely.
In most cases I am happy to let things seed where they like and theses are no exception.
However, today while grubbing out a few weeds I came across the seed heads and on a whim decided to collect some....
I now have about a million, well maybe a couple of dozen..
The question now is - What do I do next?
How do I go about growing them on? Should I store them until spring or ... what?
I have no idea about compost or soil etc; But I am sure that some of you chaps and chapess's will know.
Your thoughts..?
On plant
Tulipa turkestanica

25 Jul, 2015
Tulipa turkestanica is a lovely small tulip that really shines in the sunshine. Does it really need that level of stratification, Bathgate, not in my experience. Certainly you should sow the seeds as soon as ripe and leave outside over the winter and let them take whatever the weather might provide and it might even take a couple of years before they actually germinate. Use a loam based seed compost with a little added grit, sow the seed on the surface and cover with grit. We leave our seed pots on the north side of our garden shed. Don't prick out the seedlings as you would with herbaceaus plants but keep them in the pot for a few years, feeding regularly in growth then eventually pot on the dormant bulbs.
Yes, it is far easier and quicker to go back to the GC and buy another bag of bulbs but, if successful, there is so much sence of achievment in growing you own from seed.
Good luck with them.
26 Jul, 2015
Bulbaholic 40 degrees Fahrenheit is fairly mild. These tulips are indigenous mountainous regions or Turkey where temps can go down to negative 30 C.
26 Jul, 2015
Actualy, Bathgate, they are not indiginous to Turkey but to the ancient region once known as Turkestan. This covers a huge area to the north-east of the Caspian Sea; otherwise I agree with what you say about winter temperatures there. But the seed do not need these extemes to germinate and will do so outdoors in most temperate regions.
26 Jul, 2015
They are lovely little things - can i just wish you all the best with growing them on?
26 Jul, 2015
40 degrees is not extreme Bulbaholic but they need at least that to be stratified. I said that twice already and you can scroll up and reread it over and over if necessary. Please get your facts straight and don't misrepresent what I say.
26 Jul, 2015
Thanks people. I shall give it a go and report back in a few years... :)
Can I assume that the hundreds of seeds that have fallen over the last two years may, at some point in the future, yield new bulbs?
26 Jul, 2015
There are too many variables to say every one will yield a new bulb but many of them will.
26 Jul, 2015
If every seed did produce a new, flowering bulb, Fractal, the whole planet would be smothered by them :-))). Many of the seeds would have been infertile, others either got too wet or too dry on the surface of the soil, other embyro seedlings rotted off etc etc. A few might survive and produce bulbs so just enjoy and appreciate these few.
27 Jul, 2015
The seeds need to go through stratification in order to grow and produce flowers. That is - winter. They have an 'internal clock' and will only grow after a certain dormancy period of =<40F. I believe it's 8 weeks in most cases. Also bear in mind it maybe several years before the plants are mature enough to produce flowers. You'd be better off purchasing new bulbs from the garden center.
25 Jul, 2015