By Green_finger
United Kingdom
ID please. It is growing in a border with retaining walls & drapes down prettily backed by dianthus. Attempts to id it come up with campanula carpatica but the 5 petalled star-like flowers look a bit different to me. It does have a leaf with serrated edges & is a gorgeous periwinkle mauvy blue. Also it is not being eaten by slugs which campanula usually are.

18 Jun, 2015
It could be Campanula poscharskyana or carpatica, but either way its definitely a Campanula.
18 Jun, 2015
Thanks Moon Grower & Bamboo, looking at the RHS site it looks almost exactly like poscharskyana except mine doesn't have white centres, it is solid light violet-blue but it is trailing & not clump forming.
I'm pleased it's a Campanula but can't understand why the slugs leave it alone as every other plant is devoured if I don't put pellets down.
I gave up on Bellflowers because I lost so many.
Moon grower, I wouldn't say mine is a thug either as it just grows along the edge & trails over the wall & hasn't spread much more in the last 9 yrs we've been here.
18 Jun, 2015
In all the years I've been growing campanulas (mostly the ground covering variety like yours) I've never had a problem with slugs and snails damaging them. Nor on taller ones such as C. persicifolia, so perhaps something else was causing your previous plants' demise.
18 Jun, 2015
We have various Campanulas in the garden some very small and dainty others larger and they have never been bothered by slug, the hostas on the other hand are prime slug food.
18 Jun, 2015
From the star-shaped flowers I would think that it's Campanula portenschlagiana - a very long name for a pretty little flower!
18 Jun, 2015
Well that's good to hear, maybe I'll give them another whirl when space allows. Thanks for helping with the ID, much appreciated.
18 Jun, 2015
Landgirl, I believe you've hit the nail on the head. The RHS pic & description is exactly like mine. Thank you very much.
18 Jun, 2015
Whichever one this is, I can say with absolute certainty that it isn't C. portenschlagiana - that's the only one I grow, because its such a neat grower, and the flowers do not look like this.
18 Jun, 2015
Oh Bamboo, I really thought we'd found it, the pic & descrip. sounded just right too. How misleading.
18 Jun, 2015
I'm pretty sure its Campanula poscharskyana 'Camgood', also known as C. poscharskyana 'Blue Waterfall'.
18 Jun, 2015
I would say it is C. Poscharskyana. I have it all over my garden! (And it is exceptionally pretty when in flower - it drapes down, along walls, over kerbs, climbs up walls, under steps, through doorways, up through the floor...)
18 Jun, 2015
Yes Bamboo, I believe you are exactly right & reading about Camgood / BlueWaterfall is just how mine is. So glad to finally put a name to a very pretty plant.
Melchi,:) I think I will move some to further along the wall as it is so pretty, trouble free & flowering profusely over a long period. Mine is not being invasive & is pretty much exactly where it was last year, not that I'd mind if it was. It is growing in front of bright cerise dianthus & the combination looks fab.
19 Jun, 2015
I tolerate mine very happily, Green finger - it is easy enough to pull up - at least temporarily! - and it is so pretty, I love the look of it. It is such a beautiful blue!
19 Jun, 2015
Quite agree, Melchi.
19 Jun, 2015
:) HBird, I'm hoping it will wander around a bit as it's no trouble at all & I also love the colour.
9 Aug, 2015
It will, Green finger, never fear. Enjoy!
9 Aug, 2015
Well it looks like C. carpatica to me, bit of a thug but can be yanked out if you end up with too much. Ours tend to try to climb over low growing conifers.
18 Jun, 2015