By Thelma
United Kingdom
I have bought a dwarf buddleia - it is beautiful but do I need to prune it and if so when
30 Jul, 2008
Do you know the name of your Buddleja?
31 Jul, 2008
I am not aware of a dwarf Buddleja , would be interested to know the name too?
31 Jul, 2008
Hi Dwarf Buddleia is usually Nannho Blue. It is still likely to reach 6ft. but leaves are only half size and it is easily kept as a 4 or 5ft. shrub. Pruned hard back in early Spring. Butterflies love it
2 Aug, 2008
You can trim it once flowering is over but in early Spring you can prune it hard back and it will flower on new wood. I like to leave some of the old wood so that there is a succession of flowering, old wood first, young wood following.. It is one of my favourite shrubs
30 Jul, 2008