By Cranberry
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have got a hydrangea 3 years ago, never been pruned only dead wood taken from the middle of bush but never had a flower on it until this year but only have 3 all at the back, the front is just leaves. I only have a very small garden and can't afford anything to not flower so was thinking of taking it out and giving it to some one else, unless you have any ideas.
Asked from the GoYpedia
hydrangeas page
6 Jul, 2010
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I'd like to know what variety of Hydrangea it is, Cranberry - most of them get huge when grown properly, and in a small garden, they'd be too big anyway. Is yours in a pot or the ground?
7 Jul, 2010
I don't know what the variety is I had it given, and it is in the ground. The back is up against a wall, I have another in the same area and it is packed with flowers.It looks realy healthy the leaves are lovely and green and glossy. Maybe will protect the front area this winter but don't think is was frost as the other is terrific.
9 Jul, 2010
Hi , It is up against a wall so maybe your right and it was the harsh winter.
Thanks for your comment.
9 Jul, 2010
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is it possible that the back was protected ( by a fence or other plants) from the harsh winter we had, they flower on last years wood , if so protecting during the spring especially when it starts into growth if frost is forecast, a high ptash feed in spring may also help
7 Jul, 2010