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HiNot been here for awhile but as normal i need some advice

Essex, United Kingdom Gb

Not been here for awhile but as normal i need some advice, i need help on how to care for this lilly plant as i do not have the instructions for it, this is the second year of this plaint, the first year there was no flowers as my puppy took a liking to it, this is the first year there as been any flowers but i need some after care advice and what to do when the cold weather comes,
Thank you in advance,and can anyone tell me what it is called, :)

Lilly_122 Lilly_123



Think it is a Hemerocallis - Common name Day Lily. They are normally hardy and so not a lot needs doing with them, apart from tidying up after they have finished flowering. It looks a pretty pink flower sorry no idea which one it is maybe Simbad would be able to help send her a private message and ask if she has any ideas. She has a spectacular collection. :O) and will tell you more specifically what and how to treat it. :O)

7 Aug, 2014


I didn't think that Hemerocallis had that kind of flower stalk. It reminded me of Crinum, and also of Amaryllis belladonna, but since I've not grown either of them I can't tell them apart from your photo.
If you acquired your plant from a supermarket though, it won't be crinum as they're more expensive :)

7 Aug, 2014


Hi, a lot depends on when the leaves appeared, were they after the flowers, or did the flowers come after the leaves ?, there are several possibilities such as Amaryllis belladonna, Crinum bulbispermum, Crinum x powellii, X Amarcrinum memoria-corsii, XAmarygia parkeri, Derek.

7 Aug, 2014


Thank you for getting back to me, i bought this two years ago from a stall at a boot sale,
The flowers came after the leafs ,

8 Aug, 2014


Hi Sharon, in that case it is probably X Amarygia, and it's full name is X A memoria-corsii, it is frost hardy, and can stand temperatures down to 23 deg f minus 5 c, any colder than this and you will have to take it into a greenhouse or somewhere frost free, Derek.

8 Aug, 2014


Just googled - Crinum x powellii, X Amarcrinum memoria-corsi it is really beautiful, pleased you have id it Derek, it is a beautiful flower. Think Sharon must have been lucky last year with it in the garden over winter, so pretty.

8 Aug, 2014


Hi Derek
Thank you so much for the information, i will make sure i take care of it over winter, do i need to cut this down or do i just leave it to feed back into the bulb,
Love this site everyone is so helpful
Thank you again

10 Aug, 2014


Hi Sharon, I would just cut the flower stem off when it finishes flowering, and leave the leaves alone, Derek.

10 Aug, 2014

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