Cherry Trees
By Mallard
United Kingdom
Any suggestions on the best variety of eating cherry that will grow in a greenhouse?
9 Jul, 2008
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Yes, it is a fairly large commercial greenhouse, now redundant, in which we have planted apricots, peaches and nectarines. We live in Guernsey. There is about ten foot headroom in the centre of the house, so with not too vigorous a rootstock we should be OK. You're quite right. Cherries apparently don't normally do well inside, but I'v been told that there is a variety which does, although I can't find its name!
10 Jul, 2008
Wow! Aren't you lucky! Sorry I don't know its name. Could I suggest that you try a fruit grower catalogue - Ken Muir???Does he sell fruit trees? Try googling for growers then give them a ring for advice.
10 Jul, 2008
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It must be an enormous greenhouse! I thought that Cherry trees grew quite large. I've never come across anyone growing them in a greenhouse before.
9 Jul, 2008