What is this plant?
By Audrey
United Kingdom
i planted this in my front garden i have had it for years and this is the first time it has flowered, can anyone tell me what it is please.

22 Jun, 2008
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Sure is a Yucca. I've got lots in my garden. They grow like mad here and I am always weeding small ones out after we tried tomove some big ones elsewhere.
22 Jun, 2008
I also have one of these in my garden and wondered what it was, it flowered last year and then all the leaves either went brown or were very droopy. Does anyone have any ideas on what I do next do I cut it back as there is new regrowth?
By the flower the flowers were stunning weren't they?
22 Jun, 2008
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Looks like a Yucca.
22 Jun, 2008