Can anyone tell me what this plant is called?
By Coachhouse
United Kingdom
I recently moved this plant from a pot inside to one of my flowerbeds and it is going to flower for the first time ever with about 10 flowers. Sadly I do not even know what it is. Can anyone help me?

22 Jun, 2008
Yes it is.
I have more pictures and when it flowers I will put them on also, but I would love to know what its name is in the meantime.
22 Jun, 2008
It is an Epiphyllum or orchid cactus.Absolutely gorgeous flowers ,but it will definitely NOT survive a winter outside.
You can take sections of leaf and push them into potting compost,they will root by next Spring cos if you leave it outside, one slight frost will turn it into mush.
22 Jun, 2008
That is very helpful - thank you! I will definitely bring it in in the winter. Putting it outside for the summer was an experiment which has worked very well. I am very excited to see it bloom.
22 Jun, 2008
Is it some sort of cactus?
22 Jun, 2008