Yellow Poppie a weed or not
By Scotkat
Who likes or dislikes ?
To me a complete pest in a garden as the grow wild and just take over.Ok in a container.
Would like to here your thoughts.
11 Jun, 2008
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I have recently bought some yellow poppy seed as I dont have any. If they become a weed then I will pull them up, but at the moment they are a want.
12 Jun, 2008
Are they Meconopsis cambrica or Welsh Poppy ? I don't like to think of them as a weed, being Welsh myself, but they can be a nuisance if they're taking over. Some of the gardens around here are full of them. They come up through the paving and everything, and they're growing wild in the hedgerows aswell. I haven't got them in my garden and I've never been able to grow them, I don't know why. The seeds don't even spread in here : ( There were lots in my father's garden and I've kept some of those seeds to see if they'll grow but no success yet. I wouldn't like to be overrun with them though.
12 Jun, 2008
personally i like poppies, i sowed some seeds this yr but not one of them came up, ill just try again lol
12 Jun, 2008
Your ,Poppies wont germinate until next autumn or spring. Welsh Poppies seds need to be overwintered outdoors,
31 Jul, 2008
ah thanks for that Poaannua
31 Jul, 2008
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I only get red ones and Opium Poppies. I'd quite like some yellow ones for a change! They are very easy to pull out, aren't they, if they grow in the wrong place?
11 Jun, 2008