United Kingdom
Privet or not? I have this ghastly shrub which was in the garden when we came. It grow approx 6ft tall and at the moment is inter-woven and tied up. Usually it shoots out long stems which them 'weep' and where they touch the ground - root. A real pest but would be just about impossible to dig out as it has large matted roots and all the stems which I keep cutting off to keep it in bounds.
It has a flower as shown which is like a privet flower but longer more pointed leaves than the usual privet (Ligustrum vulgare). The flowers are sparse, perhaps due to the amount of cutting back I have to do.

30 Jun, 2013
Could be the native Privet, Ligistrum vulgare as opposed to the hedging one which is Ligistrum japonicum
30 Jun, 2013
Owdboggy's spot on. Ligustrum vulgare. Narrow leaves as opposed to the hedging one (L. ovalifolium), which has wider leaf blades
30 Jun, 2013
We have it in our hedgerow. Have to say I am not keen on the smell of the flowers, but they are less unpleasant than the L. ovalifolium ones. Thanks Worth1, that is the one I meant, not L. japonicum.
30 Jun, 2013
Thanks to you all for helping me out. I thought it must be one of the privets, I suppose I shall just have to try to keep it under control, sadly it's in the flower border, so like many of the things here - not really in the right place!
30 Jun, 2013
Once it has flowered, cut it to the ground. Try prising the roots out. You might get bits to plant in more appropriate places. Paint what is left with a special tree/shrub killer and it will go. Instructions for using it come with the product. Alternatively you could dig round the root ball and get it out that way. You could also cut away the majority of the stems leaving one strong one and train it to a tree shape.
1 Aug, 2013
Sorry no idea what it is but I have one that appeared in my front garden a couple of years ago ( a gift from the birds no doubt) it is only small at the moment the tiny white flowers have a scent which I remember from when I was a child as one of the neighbours had one trained as a small hedge outside their front door. It has black berries after the flowers.
30 Jun, 2013