trees/shrubs dying
By Ramblersmum
United Kingdom
We have lost a laurel and a medium sized conifer planted by our pond - earlier last year we lost a 8ft juniper planted in same place and assumed winter had got it, but these two well established 6ft and 12ft ones have turned a rusty color as if they have had no water ever and have died on us - we want to replant but are worried there is some disease we don't know about as we are spending a lot of money to buy quite large replacements as the pond is quite big - we replaced it with a plastic pre moulded one about a year ago - is the sand underneath it killing the plants?
2 Jun, 2008
One of our UK members - please help with the UK equivalent. In the US each county employs a County Agent as a resource to citizens for agricultural issues. Here we can take a soil sample to our County Agent and, for a nominal fee or free, have a soil analysis done. They are also a resource for indigenous plants, pests, water conservation etc. My thought is that there may be two issues - chemicals from the original pond leaked into the soil, possibly creating a bed of contaminated sand well beyond the perimeter of the pond (under the trees). I would test soil samples at 1 foot, 2 feet and 3 feet. Trees with tap roots may be going down to a contaminated sand or salty sand layer. Good luck to you - it sounds like a lovely design.
5 Jun, 2008
You say that pond replaced was previous one leaking? 3 pretty robust plants unusual if disease affected all 3 what none of them would like is their roots in standing water.Sand should not be an issue unless sharp sand used this has high salt content which again will hate.If soft builders[playpit] sand
used then should be fine.
3 Jun, 2008