The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Ponty

Norfolk, United Kingdom

I am a complete ignoramus when it comes to mushrooms so can anyone please tell me what these are? They have just developed in my lawn. They are 3 1/2 inches across.



i have these too, but identification is very difficult.

24 Nov, 2009


I don't know, but whatever they are don't eat them. They are quite attractive.

24 Nov, 2009


I agree with Mad don't eat them - sorry can't i.d. for you but if you don't like them being there just put a plastic bag over your hand and pick them out and bin (not compost). They will go of their own accord shortly.

24 Nov, 2009


I wouldn't risk eating them unless I had a positve I.D. I'm not keen on common-or-garden British mushrooms but I do enjoy wild and exotic ones when offered.

24 Nov, 2009


Could be Clitocybe nebularis, Clouded Agaric, but could equally well not be. Caps are rarely enough to identify fungi, one needs to see the gills as well, also the stipe (stem) and maybe the colour of a spore print which can be easily taken by cutting off the cap, placing it face down on a piece of glass or perspex and covering with a glass until the spores drop. Happens within a day or so, depending on the age of the cap.

Certainly don't eat.

24 Nov, 2009


Thanks Cestina. I will do that.

24 Nov, 2009


I have seen quite a few of these in Norfolk this season. I haven't been able to identify properly so have left alone.

24 Nov, 2009


a reasonable test is try to peal it if the skin comes easy then it is proberly a musheroom ,then you say that was a harmless mushroom as you bin it,only trust an expert ,which you and I are not.

24 Nov, 2009


Glad you are saying bin it Cliffo because the easy peel test is not a safe one for edibility. There are plenty that peel easily which are not field mushrooms which is what I guess you mean when you say probably a harmless mushroom.

In fact pretty well all the folk sayings about edible/poisonous are not to be trusted.

Expert identification only is the rule of the day :-)

24 Nov, 2009


Agree Celeina!

24 Nov, 2009


Thanks all. Decision - bin it! I would still be interested in finding out what it is though.

25 Nov, 2009


I could have said it looks like an ouster, but i and people on hear would have said dose not matter what it is if you are not certain get rid of it I think that is why no one has tryed to name it for you.

26 Nov, 2009


Thanks Cliffo. I have looked the Ouster up on the web. It certainly looks like it but I have taken everybody's advice. They are now in the bin.

27 Nov, 2009


No it's definitely not an oyster mushroom.....wrong growth format. It's almost certainly a clitocybe of some sort - a genus which contains the deadly clitocybe dealbeata and another deadly one, so not a group to mess with.

27 Nov, 2009


Thanks Cestina. As I said, I am a complete ignoramus regarding mushrooms. Cliffo said oUster mushroom and I found reference them on the net. Are they the same as oYster? :>)

28 Nov, 2009


Yes, name is really oyster. A typo.... :-)

They are one of the relatively few fungi that can be grown successfully commercially and also at home - you can get kits for them:

28 Nov, 2009

How do I say thanks?

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