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flowering perennials

essex, United Kingdom

hi.i have a biggish front lawn around 30ft square maybe a bit bigger and i want to put some beds in so it looks abit more other half doesnt like perennials as she thinks they are only green and brown.i said you can get flowering ones but would not have a clue of what to get for colour.its sunny(when out) from mid day till around 7pm.i dont mind the green perennials so if anyone can give me some ideas on them too i will add a couple of those too before she can say anything.
p.s i have 2 cats that love a bit of shade so anything that would produce that would be welcome too.
cheers. simon the novice.



You can get perennials in every colour of the rainbow,every shade,and also that will flower in every month of the year if you don,t have a comprehensive book on them, go to the library,and borrow a few books and just choose,look at other members gardens there are some lovely gardens, and the members are really helpful

30 May, 2008


Hi, some of my favourites are: Lupins ( come in lots of colours), Foxgloves (lots of colours), Rudbeckia (yellows) Heuchara (mainly grown for the leaf which come in many colours) Penstemons (I like Heavenly Blue or red garnet)

I am also fond of the grasses like carex gold or stipa tennuissima.
Hope this helps, but definately get hold of a book on perennials, then you can see what they all look like and it will help you to choose.
Good Luck, send us some photos!
PS the cats will love the grasses! My site has a photo of my cat lazing under the grasses.

30 May, 2008


thanks for the advice. to the library it is,.
cheers .

30 May, 2008

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