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Can you help identify this?


By Polly

Any idea what this beautiful plant is?



It looks like an Oxalis, but don't know the variety. It is lovely!

22 Aug, 2007


It certainly is the most beautiful plant I've seen for a long time. It's a Purple Oxalis -- Oxalis regnellii 'Atropurpurea'.

23 Aug, 2007


Greenfingers is right,it is sometimes hardy but if you have it in a pot ,in the autumn cut it all off lift all the little brown corms and divide it up ,you will have enough to give to your friends ,it really multiplies. It seems to do better in a pot rather than open ground, it does not like full hot sun.

23 Aug, 2007


Thank you so much.... I inherited the plant in April when my Mother died. There was just one or two little stems then. I brought it into my conservatory the day she died, and watered and fed it some tomato feed and by Mums funeral two weeks later there were loads of small stems and leaves. It flowered not long after and has looked glorious ever since. I am so worried about killing it by not knowing how to care for it. Somehow, a bit has got into a flower pot that I keep just outside my conservatory door, not a big plant out there but I just wonder how it got there. I will bring it in over winter.
The leaves shut up when it starts getting dark,and open up again in the morning.
Thank you so much for letting me know what it is.
Best regards

23 Aug, 2007


I've got this type of Oxalis growing well in a pot. I also have another type which is similar but not the same which I bought in a garden centre a couple of years ago and I have a green leaved one with a darker centre on the leaves which has pink flowers I bought this at the same garden centre but have never seen any anywhere since.

11 Sep, 2007

How do I say thanks?

Answer question

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  • Oxalis triangularis leaf.
  • Oxalis triangularis flowers. (Oxalis triangularis)
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