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A slope like the north face of the Eiger


By Titchy

Dorset, United Kingdom

Has anyone else got a garden slope which is so steep they can not go up it??? So what's to be done? I am awaiting some quotes from Landscape gardeners, well not waiting actually - dreading them. Tiers with Railway sleepers seems to be the thing. About one hundred has been estimated. At the moment there are some nice and not so nice shrubs in it, which I personally want to attend to in the future, once the baddies have been removed. Any other ideas about a slope that steep??? Sorry the picture doesn't show the slope properly



Reckon terracing is the way to go, if you want to walk up and down it, which is presumably the railway sleeper idea - either that or a set of crampons and climbing ropes. Only thing I don't like about sleepers is they get quite slippy in the wet. You'd have to make sure nothing is removed from the slope before the terracing work is ready to start - you'll end up with the whole lot at the bottom otherwise!

3 Oct, 2009


The good thing is that you get a better view of the planting with it terraced. Maybe you could glean some ideas from Four seasons.

3 Oct, 2009


think way rodes go up hils = up then level,up thenl evel,and so on. stop off points to rest. a seet perhpse? alog to rest on? put the longa acents at botom, shorter towords top. an ajacant streem with waterfulls- oh,you ares o luky.

3 Oct, 2009


A zigzag path up the bank with large stones to retain lose area. Many of your shrubs can be left as the roots are holding the soil together.

3 Oct, 2009


A gently winding path as natural as possible taking out the not so nice shrubs as you put it. In the spaces you create you could put groupings of things you do like and add colour. It would make it interesting to just wander up and from the bottom looking up would have a tapestry effect

3 Oct, 2009


Thank you all, for all the food for thought. There are some new ideas now, More stuff to puzzle about at night when I should be sleeping. If I was a lot younger I wouldn't worry, I would climb this slope with ease. Coming from Switzerland and having climbed some mountains (well small ones) it would be a piece of cake. Not now though looking into the future - Tiers/terraces seem so far the best answer. I'll keep you posted.And hopefully at the end some fantastic pictures ?!!!

4 Oct, 2009


Dylis Davies who wrote the only book on Alliums gardened in the Lake District. She did most of it stood on a ladder. There was a TV series about her garden many many mooons ago.

4 Oct, 2009


Do Stannah stairlifts do an outdoor version?
I think that you should create a stepped path and leave the shrubs alone, they all seem to be indifferent to the slope.

4 Oct, 2009


lol volunteer, stannah stair lifts indeed! Personally, I'm still cracking jokes about stair lifts and walking frames, but I have to say, it don't seem quite so funny now its getting pretty close...;-(

4 Oct, 2009


Hi again, I stopped laughing now, stairlifts indeed, but how about a cable car well 2, one up one down and I could charge friends - family and anyone else who wouldn't be scared. With a fee like the Swiss do for each journey, I would soon be rich.
Who says gardeners dont have a sense of humour???

4 Oct, 2009


wat about jcb?
dig away hillside and justhav vevertica ldrop. transplnt all shrubs to valleyf loor for soft landing.
buy paraglider and charg - those whonot make it, get it for free!!!!!

4 Oct, 2009


Derekf Great idea, Well? Not so sure, now I think about it. Never mind, happy gardening

4 Oct, 2009


Hi Titchy I wonder if the sight may be hiding paths or similar? someone planted a lot of expensive plants at some point. Have you looked under the dead looking grass to see what may be now buried?

4 Oct, 2009


I only answerd because you had 13 answers,and I dont want you to have bad luck with your prodject, Drc726 I see what you mean there could be steps were that grass runs, so I would clear that first ,might get a plesent surprise.

5 Oct, 2009

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