The Garden Community for Garden Lovers


Denbighshire, United Kingdom

do ants eat pests. I have seen them on paeony buds but think they are only liking the nectas from them but have also seen them on rose of sharon along with little black bugs . are the ants eating them?



Most likely is that the ants are milking the aphids for the honeydew which the aphids get from the plants. Ants will even move aphids from one plant to another to keep the supply safe. Fascinating thing to watch the ants 'milking' the aphids. Honeydew is the sweet sap of the plant by the way.

25 May, 2008


Thanks for interesting comment. Why do I get ants nesting in my compost heap. Is it because I am not getting a high enough temp to rot things quickly but its warm enough for the ants?

26 May, 2008

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