another weed question
By Hedgehogg
United Kingdom
this stuff is everywhere too. im thinking this is weed?

21 May, 2008
I thought it was one of the wild Hypericums, has it got yellow flowers coming? Then it gets red berries. I have one on my stream bank and have left it as I think it's quite pretty.
21 May, 2008
will have a good look at it and try to take better picture in morn. its got sort of yellow berry like buds in the center of little red leaves. maybe they are going to be flowers.
21 May, 2008
Got exactly same in my garden Spritz right Hypericum ,Rose of Sharon , St John Wort yellow flowers followed by red turning to black , berry seed pods.Must be pretty invasive seems able to grow sideways in your garden.!
22 May, 2008
Have googled hypericums and some of these do look similar to what i have. Thank you blooms, spritz and bonkers i will look out for yellow flowers.
22 May, 2008
Looks like cornus canadensis ( dogwood ) grows to about 6" and has a creeping rootstock. Good ground cover. Has whte bracts and red berries. Barb
21 May, 2008