New blogger
I’ve only just joined this sit and have just uploaded some pics and have some comments already! What do I do now? If I don’t reply straight away I do apologise. I am a casual gardener as in not formal. If it grows and I haven’t got one, I want one. Apart from weeds. But some weeds are very interesting. I have things I am proud of in my garden and also a few probem areas I wish to share with everyone in order to find a solution hopefully. In the same vein, I hope to be able to helpother people. That’ll do for now I think.
24 Jun, 2008
Next post: A problem area.
It's not always necessary to respond to every comment, so don't let that be a burden. Sometimes somebody will want more details about a plant or photo - then of course answer when you can! I hope that you enjoy the site as much as I do - there's always help if you need it! And of course, lovely people to chat to...and admire other people's gardens, get ideas etc.
24 Jun, 2008
Hi there and welcome- I'm a Lancashire lad so at least we have the same weather! Looking forward to seeing your photo's.
24 Jun, 2008
welcome pleadinggreen,,, GOY is a site you will find yourself addicted to like the rest of us lol
24 Jun, 2008
Hiya pleadinggreen.
All I can say is, I haven't been thrown out yet, believe me, I've tried.
It's a laugh, it's a cry, welcome to GOY !
The thing I like about this site is that there's room for everybody. There's the serious 'showgarden' types like me, and then the rest (You'll get to know em').
I'm CluelessKev by the way, welcome to my garden (You're welcome to it ! ).
Have fun !
24 Jun, 2008
24 Jun, 2008
hi and welcome to Goy have fun
25 Jun, 2008
To Andrea. The Gertrude Jekyl rose is probably the smelliest rose (in the nicest way) I have ever come accross.
25 Jun, 2008
Thanks, will have to look out for that one! Is it a climber?
25 Jun, 2008
No, Its not a climber. I do know it's a David Austin rose
25 Jun, 2008
Hi Pleadinggreen like yourself & poppyman i live in the same neck of the wood as you. not a bad place to live in is it. I live on the coast in Blackpool, i've been with GOY for about 3mths now, everyone makes you feel so welcome, after a bit you get addicted to the site, hope you enjoy being with us all.
25 Jun, 2008
Along with all the rest Pleadinggreen...Welcome to GOY! I'm pretty new to it myself (late May) and am already hooked. I've never blogged before and I'm having a ball. I'm a relatively new gardener (last year) and all of a sudden I can't be stopped. My husband is a little shell shocked! So, I have a lot to learn (lots of trial and error) and this is a friendly place to do it! Enjoy!
25 Jun, 2008
Welcome to the site, I`m not too far away from you ...over the border in Yorkshire. Sit back and enjoy the comments on your photos! I love the gertrude Jekyl it scented? And is it a climber?
You will enjoy using the site and no doubt soon get hooked...lots of friendly folk and always someone to answer your questions!
24 Jun, 2008