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Archontophoenix alexandrae (common names: Alexander Palm)

Archontophoenix alexandrae is a member of the genus Archontophoenix and is commonly known as Alexander Palm; on this page you will find:

  1. Photos of Archontophoenix alexandrae plants in real gardens.

We have 15 photos of Archontophoenix alexandrae in real gardens

These photos are from real gardens by real gardeners! Just click on one to start exploring.

You can also discover who's growing Archontophoenix alexandrae.

  • Archontophoenix alexandrae - Alexander Palm (Archontophoenix alexandrae - Alexander Palm)
    By Delonix1
  • Alexander Palms and Angels Trumpets in pouring rain (Archontophoenix alexandrae (Alexander Palm))
    By Delonix1
  • Archontophoenix alexandrae - Alexander Palms (Archontophoenix alexandrae - Alexander Palms)
    By Delonix1
  • Archontophoenix alexandrae - Alexander Palms (Archontophoenix alexandrae - Alexander Palms)
    By Delonix1


Questions on Archontophoenix alexandrae

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