Why is it all men exaggerate so much!?
By pip_c
Well, you know how I got suckered by that octopus on Saturday at church camp? This is how it happened:
I was standing on this rock which was mostly above the water, the waves were breaking over it. Suddenly I felt this thing on my foot – it was like seaweed, only stickier. I saw the about-40cm octopus and quickly yanked my foot out of the water. Having no experience of Blue Ringed Octopuses, I didn’t know what they looked like (I found out later they’re tiny little bleep-blipping things) and so was a little panicky.
The nearest person happened to be the senior minister of the church whose camp it was. He was quietly fishing and was rudely disturbed when I called him over to look at this octopus.
Now, he returned home that night and met with Dad on Sunday morning at church. I came back that afternoon after catching a lift and was told all about my death-defying encounter with a blue-ringed octopus that was about a metre across, how I screamed blue murder and how I’d almost had my leg chewed off by this Creature from the Black Lagoon.
Needless to say I soon set him straight. Now I have to face all the other people the senior minister met that fateful Sunday and set them straight too…
18 Aug, 2009
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lol the story will only get bigger and bigger as it goes on Pip, before you know it you will have wrestled the giant octopus lol
18 Aug, 2009
Thats men for you.
18 Aug, 2009
As far as us men are concerned, SIZE MATTERS!
18 Aug, 2009
Shame you didn't have your camera ready!
18 Aug, 2009
In my experience it's women who exagerate. They really do.
18 Aug, 2009
ok folks...FACTS OF LIFE...PEOPLE exaggerate LOL Gender has nothing to do with it. I've heard embelished stories by both genders...some intentional as a joke and some just feel the story is too boring to tell the utter truth.
enjoy the entertainment and learn to take everything with a grain of salt...including the MEDIA.
P.S. PEOPLE gossip too...gender has nothing to do with that either. :)
18 Aug, 2009
Wrong, Kmccue.
Women gossip; men pass on 'information'. :-)
19 Aug, 2009
Hywel! Are you a man or a woman!? But you may just be right we women do our fair share too. Here's proof: My first blog said the octopus was 60cm, for the purposes of showing how much men exaggerate I marked it down to 40cm!!!!
Now I've stuck my foot right in it, I'll get on with dying of a octopus sting quietly....
19 Aug, 2009
Hywel is a man :)
21 Aug, 2009
Hey, Spritz, you're right: we do have a pic, just not on my camera. I'll have to try and get hold of it.
22 Oct, 2009
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And they accuse us women of exaggerating! Glad you survived lol
18 Aug, 2009