Rehmannia - Chinese foxglove - aug 2007
By Eggbox

28 Mar, 2008
produces large vibrant rosy purple tubular blooms with yellow and red spotted throats blooms throughout the summer. A MUST HAVE FOR ANY GARDEN.
Comments on this photo
Here goes another one on my "Want" list ! You're right. Gotta have this one ! Hope I can find it over here. Really good pic you got there !
29 Mar, 2008
Great closeup photo ! You are right, wonderful plant, and fantastic color !
29 Mar, 2008
I love these. The throats are fabulous. Got to keep an eye out for this one too :)
29 Mar, 2008
fab colour and what a big flower must look out for some
29 Mar, 2008
I agree with all the rest I want one too!
30 Mar, 2008
Wow the colour of their throats is Outstanding :O
30 Mar, 2008
oooooh Eggbox...these are amazing! Everybody wants one!!
1 Apr, 2008
they are fab,and flower for a long time.......................
1 Apr, 2008
Ahhhhhhhhh~Now I must have this!!!!!!!!! Gorgeous~
1 Apr, 2008
I have been informed by "Majeekahead" All parts of the Chinese Foxglove are poisonous if ingested,So please be carefull if growing it, (Its lovely but deadly)
1 Apr, 2008
I have this one and it really is beautiful. I tried to seperate and repot mine and most of it died. I have two small pieces that are hanging on. I hope they make it and bloom this spring/summer!!!! I hardly ever see this plant in the nurseries. I found mine at the flea market.
23 Jan, 2009
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i brought this plant last year,and it had such a wow factor that i hope to find it again this year and plant some more..............
28 Mar, 2008