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Truffle and Conker found LOTS of huge ROSEMARY BEETLES amongst the seeds sent to me by Paulthegardener. Lol.
Truffle grabbed a beetle on a green stick, and Conker held one gently by its leg... :o)

Comments on this photo


Well done Conker and Truffle,good job they found those huge beetles TT.Truffle is huge now too,hope he's not 'helping' Conker eat his meals too much ! :))

24 Jun, 2009


lol aw what a great photo TT

24 Jun, 2009


Thanks Eileen, and Aster ~
When Conker was very unwell, Truffle 'helped' by eating Conker's food....
but Conker has his appetite back now... :o)

24 Jun, 2009


Brilliant Picture Terra, can't get over how much Truffle has grown and Conkers looking Great!

24 Jun, 2009


Thanks, PP.
Truffle is full size now. Conker is looking so much better than a few weeks ago... :o)

24 Jun, 2009


Lovely to see Conker looking so well, he has such a lovely gentle face. Isn't Truffle looking handsome? Quite the man, beautiful fine head and expression. I don't know how you get terriers to do tricks, mine won't even chase balls or anything so I doubt I could get them to hold or carry something, but Rosie is quite good at rolling on her back for a tummy tickle. They are still wagging furiously though, without any sort of training!

24 Jun, 2009


What a Wonderful Pic Of Your Truffle&Conker Bug Hunting TT :) I do hope i dont find any that Big:/ My Summer would need 2 ask your lovelys how 2 do the Job properly :) xxx

24 Jun, 2009


That's good to know there's lots of wagging going on... and rolling from Rosie... :o)
Jacque, please tell Summer that Conker and Truffle will help her to catch giant bugs. Lol. xxx

24 Jun, 2009


NOT QUITE THE COLOUR OF THE BEASTIES IN MY GARDEN, BUT VERY IMPRESSIVE, NONETHELESS .Goodness knows the damege they would do to my Lavender plants!! Nice photo Tt.

24 Jun, 2009


il tell her staright away TT :) BTW she z WOoooooooooooooooofff & Licks 2 u all :) & im sendn Hugs & Kisses to u all :)

24 Jun, 2009


Hi Paul ~
I thought you would find this... :o)
Conker and Truffle were amazed to find these HUGE beetles coming out of your seeds envelope. Lol.
Thanks, Jacque and Summer...
Woofs and hugs to you

24 Jun, 2009


No wonder I had a job sticking the envelope down!!!

24 Jun, 2009


conker is looking well, they look like they like to get into things, specially large beetles LOL

24 Jun, 2009


Lol. Paul.
Yes, thanks, Pondlady. Conker is looking well.
Has permanent shaved patches on his front legs where he is given lots of blood tests, but worth that treatment to see him so much improved. :o)

24 Jun, 2009


~they are both gorgeous!

24 Jun, 2009


Thanks, Arlene :o)

24 Jun, 2009


I like your pals TT. They look very well behaved, especially the one on the left. lol.

24 Jun, 2009


Hello Hywel ~
I was surprised Truffle held the stick so well.
He's only just 6 months old.... :o)

24 Jun, 2009


He must enjoy doing tricks with you TT.
I hope Conker is ok.

24 Jun, 2009


What a gorgeous pic TT....cant get over how much Truffle has grown and I am happy to see Conker is now fighting fit.....

24 Jun, 2009


Thanks Milky & Hywel ~
Conker has more chemo tomorrow, but is doing well so far...
...the treatment might last till October...

24 Jun, 2009


Brill photo.TT

24 Jun, 2009


Hellow Conker and Truffle.Hi Terratoonie-plz keep us update about Conkers treatment.Thanks.

24 Jun, 2009


Adorable photo Terra, they both look so sweet there :))

25 Jun, 2009


Thanks, Clarice, Louise and Shapla....
I'll put an update about Conker's treatment near the top of my current blog later today after our vet clinic appointment.

25 Jun, 2009


Hope that blood count has gone up - will be sending positive thought waves to you this afternoon.

25 Jun, 2009


Lovely photo, TT. Truffle seems to have grown very tall since the last photo and Conker looks as he always does, very handsome. My Chloe would run a mile if she met bugs that big!! Hope all goes well today at the Vet's. Will be thinking of you

25 Jun, 2009


Looks like they're getting to grips with the rather large bugs in your garden. Nice to see Conker looking well and hasn't Truffle grown too.

25 Jun, 2009


Lovely photo ......Conker is looking well........dont like the look of your beetles though.....LOl

25 Jun, 2009


LOL..oh what a wonderful photo to see TT...Truffle looks downright proud of himself and Conker looks so precious there..he is helping teach isn't he..what a heart he has...Thank you so much for sending this..hugs and xxx's to you all..hope all is going well today..sending lots of good and happy wishes..~Cat

25 Jun, 2009


What a beautiful pic of your two boys! they are both gorgeous, and obviously sooo well trained, and little Truffle has grown so much!
Good to see that Conker is looking well. God bless him.

25 Jun, 2009


Thanks, Wagger, Gee, Linda, Holly, Cat and NN ~
Conker was able to have chemo treatment today...
.. I've updated my latest blog # 19

This photo shows the leg length of a Smooth Fox Terrier ~ longer in the leg than a Jack Russell Terrier...

Truffle says don't worry Chloe and Holly ....I'll save you from the giant beetles...
.. Yes, Cat, you are right... Truffle does learn from Conker :o)

25 Jun, 2009


Wonderful photo of them, they are beautiful. They are so clever too, any tips for Todd LOL. Today we met 4 dogs over in the field, and for the first time in the 5 months I have had him, he never snarled at any of them, lay down and seemed quite relaxed. I was over the moon. It was his aggression to other dogs which led to his 10 months in the Dogs Homes and almost euthanasia, maybe this is the start of him beginning to accept other dogs as something other than a threat.

25 Jun, 2009


Thanks, Pamazon ~
Sounds like you're doing very well with Todd. :o)

25 Jun, 2009


The Beetles have been caught! Are they singing 'Help' ( The other Beatles, get it??? Oh, I'll leave the jokes to Graeme)

25 Jun, 2009


Truffle and Conker saw the giant beetle and said : " We can work it out. It won't be long. I'll get you. " :o)
... yes, let's leave the jokes to Graeme Lol.

25 Jun, 2009


Beautiful Photo Conker does look well and Truffle is soo cute I hope Paul Mc Cartney and Ringo Star is seeing this they might go into hiding lol

25 Jun, 2009


Hi Morgana ~
I'm pleased you like this... Lol.

25 Jun, 2009


The bad jokes aren't worrying me. In fact, 'I Feel Fine' . I suppose there's no need to 'Twist and Shout About It' !. I'd better stop now or I might give my age away!

25 Jun, 2009


I had to look up Beatles song titles on the internet... Lol...

25 Jun, 2009


Oh yes, of course Tt!!!

25 Jun, 2009


Lovely photo of the dogs, TT! :) I'm so glad Conker is beginning to look sooo much better!

My, hasn't Truffle grown! Almost as fast as the Russian Vine, a.k.a "Mile-a-minute-Vine"! lol!!!

Looking forward to the time when he no longer needs his chemo any more. Such a lovely looking dog!

25 Jun, 2009


Thanks, Balcony...
It's planned that Conker will have an exploratory operation in a couple of weeks from now, which will reveal to the clinic whether the chemo is working correctly. But you are right.. Conker is looking so much better :o)
Yes, you can see Truffle's mile-a-minute legs in this pic. Lol.

25 Jun, 2009


They are both beautiful and look so happy together. I'd like to know how their white bits stay so white - Sophie would definitely Not like to know!

25 Jun, 2009


Hi Ginellie.
I decided to choose a happy, fun photo of my dogs. You can see one of the real beetles on Paul's photos ! Lol.
My dogs lick their paws, just like cats do, and that keeps them clean.
I guess Sophie is lower to the ground so harder for her to stay snowy white. :o)

26 Jun, 2009


S.O.S.!!! I need the beetle-busters in my garden!! Send 'em over! I'll pay them with lots of treats!

26 Jun, 2009


Lol.... I love the term beetle-busters. :o)

26 Jun, 2009


We love you...yeah, yeah, yeah.... Sorry, wrong kind of beetle. :-)

26 Jun, 2009


When Conker feels better he's going to find one of his toy pianos ( he has lots of those ) and play to these giant beetles, to see if they would be good for a recording contract... Need to pay the vet bills some how. Lol...

26 Jun, 2009


The boys are looking great TT. I hardly recognised Truffle.
The rabbits in the background look like a couple of posers.
Glad Conker is looking better.

26 Jun, 2009


Thanks, Bob. Fortunately Conker has so much hair, that it doesn't show too much where the vets have shaved his neck and legs for blood tests and chemo. ...
Truffle is becoming quite a character... the rabbits are better behaved. Lol.

26 Jun, 2009


Oh my goodness! Look at the size of those beetles. Good job your gardeners captured them. :o)

Conker still looks his handsome self and happy to do tricks...that is so good to see. How Truffle has grown and what a handsome boy he is.

26 Jun, 2009


Hi PG ~
Conker and Truffle are now my official Beetle Busters...
...Poetgardener coined the phrase, and I love it. Lol.

Yes, Truffle is fully grown now.... mischievous... Lol.
Conker keen to please, as ever ... :o)

26 Jun, 2009


Sweet!!! : )

26 Jun, 2009


Thanks, Charlieb :o)

27 Jun, 2009


Gosh hasn't Truffle grown!! and Conker looks really well TT i'm glad to see, Toffee still sending wags he's teasing next doors dog Ben at the moment he sits at the fence (they can't see each other) and Ben comes along and sniffs at the bottom of the fence then Toffee pounces with paws and claws!!! Ben keeps coming back though daft dog LOL!

27 Jun, 2009


Just caught up with this fab pic TT......Conker is looking quite well, and look at Truffle......he's a very handsome teenager....:o) Playing beetle drive? Lol!

27 Jun, 2009


Beetle drive.... Lol.. Janey :o)
Yes, Conker is doing well... still gets tired very quickly.
It seems no time since Truffle was a tiny puppy :o)

Hi Skilla ~
Thanks for the wags. Conker is a very gentle dog and I think he would make friends with Toffee. Funny that Ben keeps coming back to find Toffee. Lol.

27 Jun, 2009


Sorry late to this...great photo.Those bugs get everywhere !

27 Jun, 2009


Lol. :o)

27 Jun, 2009


Hi Tt - I'm catching up after 3 days of silence due to a lightning strike! Nice to see the two happy dogs together. Please tell me how to get Henry to catch lily beetles! :-)

28 Jun, 2009


Yes the Red ones!

28 Jun, 2009


Ah, Spritz has been suffering for three days from the dreaded disease called W I N G.....
Glad to know you are back on line....
My dogs are enjoying the garden a lot more than usual this summer because with Conker unwell, we're not at the usual charity dog shows..

Please tell Henry than in order to catch lily beetles he first needs a green stick, just like Truffle is holding. Lol.

Hi Cat ~
Guess what colour these beetles are if my dogs turned them around ?
Truffle and Conker not only had to hold the beetles, they had to not twist them, so that just the black sides show... Lol.

28 Jun, 2009


Hi TT,
I'm really glad to see Conker back and getting better :)

28 Jun, 2009


Hi Aleyna ~
I hope you and your family and pets are well. ...
Conker is doing good on his treatment so far :o)

28 Jun, 2009


God bless Conkers!!!
Im glad for you TT... :o)

28 Jun, 2009


Oh..goodness you mean they caught both purple "and" red beetles...well now I am super duper impressed!
Good job on them not showing the other side..they are truly very talented!
Glad all is ~Cat

29 Jun, 2009


Hi Cat ~
My beetle busters will catch any size... the bigger the better. Lol.
A very hot week is forecast for the UK. xxx

29 Jun, 2009


Lovely picture, so glad to see Conker enjoying life

29 Jun, 2009


Thank you Lily2.
I'm keeping Conker out of the sunshine most of the time.
He seems to be doing quite well so far on the chemo... :o)

29 Jun, 2009


Great shots Tt Conker looks really wonderful and Truffle looks as though butter would'nt melt :o)))

30 Jun, 2009


Lol. Bob...
Truffle is a bundle of mischief...but lovely.
I'm really pleased with Conker's progress so far...
... fingers crossed that he gets a good vet clinic report tomorrow :o)

1 Jul, 2009


Goodness - how Truffle has grown!!!!

1 Jul, 2009


Hi Sid ~
Truffle is sitting very upright in this pic.... I think I would sit up, too, holding a huge beetle like that. Lol.
But you can see how much longer the legs are on a Smooth Fox Terrier, compared with a Jack Russell Terrier.... :o)
I hope your brother's dog is doing well ?

1 Jul, 2009


Lovely pic TT. truffle certainly has grown. Conker is looking good and is obviously showing interest in his enjoyment of life. They are both so lucky to have you as their mum. Lots of love to you all.

1 Jul, 2009


Hello Toto ~
Yes, Truffle is full size now. Lol.
Full of fun and energy. :o)
Conker appears to be feeling better every day...
.. It's lovely to see him enthusing about life again...
Thanks for your kind words. xxx

1 Jul, 2009


Beautiful photo TT Conker looks so well and how Truffles has grown I wish Conker a speedy recovery x

1 Jul, 2009


Thanks, Janette ~
So nice to have you back on GoY :o)
Conker is doing very well on the clinic treatment.
I've told Truffle to stop growing now. Lol. xxx

1 Jul, 2009


What a great photo. TT.....Truffle has grown soooooo much since you last photo of him. He must be eating you out of house and home. Conker looks adorable as usual. He is such a sweetie.
Glad to see they are keeping you safe from monsterous giant beetles. LOL.

3 Jul, 2009


Hi Gilli ~
I'm wondering if Truffle thinks he is a Shetland Sheepdog.... he copies everything Conker does.... maybe he's hoping to grow a big fluffy coat like a Sheltie..Lol.

3 Jul, 2009


You have some stunning looking dogs ,love them

3 Jul, 2009


Hi Detectorist ~
Conker and Truffle say many thanks to you and Milly :o)

3 Jul, 2009


I thinkk he has ambitions to be a shetland pony TT.

4 Jul, 2009


Lol. Toto ~
Truffle has the appetite of a carthorse and the leaping ability of a show jumper. :o)

4 Jul, 2009


Get him entered for the next show jumping show, quick.

4 Jul, 2009


He'd enjoy wearing a nosebag..... food available at all times. Lol.

4 Jul, 2009


I'll share mine with him.

4 Jul, 2009


I told Truffle. He says he hopes you're still young enough to be eating puppy food. :o)

4 Jul, 2009


Please tell him that puppy food is exactly my kind of fare. I am but a young pup myself.

4 Jul, 2009


I had rather guessed that. :o)

4 Jul, 2009


Thanks TT, all us youngsters should stick together.

4 Jul, 2009


Great idea :o)

4 Jul, 2009


I am past puppy food they have Old Dame food? sorry would not like my Old Dame food..or I would share with you...especially if you are going to be pulling carts and show jumping..!

4 Jul, 2009


Hello Cat ~
Truffle might take lessons from your horse Flash :o)

4 Jul, 2009


Aww a lovely pic Tt, am glad that Conker is looking so well. Sorry that this is coming in late but fingers crossed for Conker's operation outcome. Take care xxx

4 Jul, 2009


Thanks, Panther...
This Monday is the next chemo treatment day. xxx

4 Jul, 2009


Pray & believe that all goes well xxx

4 Jul, 2009


Thank you... xxx

4 Jul, 2009


I think Flash might be more likely to take lessons from
good wishes for all to go well on to all of you. ~Cat

4 Jul, 2009


Thanks, Cat. xxx

5 Jul, 2009


All the best for tomorrow TT. Cat, "old dame", I don't think so!

5 Jul, 2009


Toto ~ thanks.
Conker has just enjoyed a thorough grooming.
I prefer him to go in for treatment looking smart :o)

5 Jul, 2009


Good for you. I bet it makes him feel better too.

5 Jul, 2009


If you look at the photo near the top of Conker's right leg, you can see one of the shaved areas. He has several like that on his legs and neck where tests are carried out. Luckily Conker has lots of hair, so he still looks lovely.
I don't mind if the vets shave off all of his hair, as long as they make his health better... :o)

5 Jul, 2009


I noticed those spots TT..he is very handsome for matter what..
love and's ~Cat

6 Jul, 2009


Good luck tomorrow TT and Conker.

Do you think Truffle will develop a complex when he doesn't develop a long fluffy coat like his hero Conker?

6 Jul, 2009


Thanks Gilli and Cat...
I'll put a report on Conker's vet clinic visit on my blog #19 later today...

Truffle says he is willing to eat a lot in order to grow a long fluffy coat. Lol.

6 Jul, 2009


Fascinating pic.proud of you all.thanks for sharing.xx

7 Jul, 2009


Thanks, Deida.
I'm sure Percy, also, would be good as a Beetle Buster. Lol. xx

7 Jul, 2009


lol TT great pic, dont know how i missed these, guess i was still away

11 Jul, 2009


Hi Sandra ~
The giant beetle invasion was while you were away. Lol.
Conker and Truffle are keeping them under control....

11 Jul, 2009


thank god for conker and truffle or there could be a world infestation lol

11 Jul, 2009


That striped caterpillar on Paul's photos looks scary...
... we're on the alert for those now.. Lol. :o)

11 Jul, 2009


lol TT yes not seen one like that before

11 Jul, 2009


We're keeping watch. 24/7 :o)

11 Jul, 2009


:o)) lol

11 Jul, 2009


What I beautiful photo TT , I,ve been longing to know how Conker has been improving he,s looking very handsome here .. I can,t believe how much Truffle has grown he,s like a teenager ..
I,m pleased youv,e told me about the huge Beetle scare I wouln,t have known , I will go and look in my very overgrown garden , a perfect hiding place for them ...LOL.. :o)

16 Jul, 2009


Hi Amy ~
You've so much to catch up on all around GoY....
The latest on Conker is in bold print towards the top of my Wagging blog number 19. and under my latest photo.
So nice to have you back on GoY...
Beware the big beetles.. mdr. :o)

16 Jul, 2009


I liked the features in the back ground..

27 Jul, 2009


Thanks, Arsh....
I like stone walling in a garden :o)

27 Jul, 2009


Two much loved canines

14 Oct, 2009


Hello Pitta...
Thanks for visiting my pic.
Conker and Truffle are both much loved. :o)

14 Oct, 2009

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