The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Baltimore Oriole


By Diohio

Baltimore Oriole

This is a Baltimore Oriole trying to get sugarwater from the hummingbird feeder. I have only gotten this bird in my yard once before. They don't eat bird seed but rather sugarwater and fruit, especially oranges. Once I saw him I went out and took some of the little yellow flowers off of the hummer feeder so he could get down in farther. They also eat grape jelly. He stayed for a few days and was gone. Pic taken May 3. I think what attracted him to my yard was the many trees that were in bud. I saw him eating buds. I sure wish I could keep this one around.

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Hes a beauty

20 Mar, 2008


what a beautiful bird, colours are lovely

20 Mar, 2008


Great pic. We get yellow Orioles here. They are more easily heard than seen.

20 Mar, 2008


They sell oriole nectar feeders, very similar to hummingbird ones, using orange as the primary colour.If you do get one be sure to get a better sort featuring a bee guard, then you won't have oodles of yellowjacket bodies to dispose of. I use two of these in my yard and have orioles in the yard throughout the summer.It helps that there are a number of mature maple trees there as well, as they like to nest in the maples. Good luck!

20 Mar, 2008


Thank you for the info Grammazoo. I have plenty of mature maples here. I started to look for an Oriole feeder last spring and I couldn't find the one that I wanted. The one I want has a holder for sugarwater and also cups for jelly and spikes for oranges. I had forgotten about it.......I'm gonna have a look again and see what I can find. Is that all it takes to keep them is mature Maples and a feeder or two?

20 Mar, 2008


Seems to work well here. There are a huge variety of birds about this yard, and even the years that the orioles don't build in my trees, they still come to feed. I can't wait for the weather to warm up a bit so I can get out in the yard and begin to dig and set up for a new year. The goldfinches are just beginning their spring moult and the red winged blackbirds are back, so I know it is coming...

21 Mar, 2008


Oh you lucky dog!! All those beautiful butterflies and gorgeous birds too!!

21 Mar, 2008


What a beautiful Baltimore Oriole.
Very well-photographed.

24 Aug, 2008


What a lovely coloured bird

26 Nov, 2009


Great photo! Colours are very vivid!

10 Mar, 2011



20 Nov, 2011


beautiful such colourful one

27 Jan, 2013

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