AGAINST ALL ODDS ~ Frances is flowering ~
By Terratoonie

25 Apr, 2009
My Clematis Frances Rivis has somehow survived the recent traumatic upheaval of my neighbours' fencing alterations.
To restore my privacy, I've started fixing featherboards at 5ft height. I found it very tricky squeezing this first section of boards behind my trellis full of climbers.
I've now bolted it to the upright posts holding my trellis which are fixed into metposts at ground level.
More details and pictures on my blog :
Can We Fix It ? ~ Yes We Can. :o)
Comments on this photo
Yes, Hywel. These types of Clematis are lovely, aren't they.
I hope your new Clematis flowers well for you. :o)
I need to fix another long section of featherboards to the left of those you can see in the photo, but it should be a little less difficult because I don't yet have posts or climbers in place. I'm starting from scratch on that section...
25 Apr, 2009
It will look nice when it's finished and the climbers have grown.
25 Apr, 2009
25 Apr, 2009
Terrific solution, TT. I'm sure your neighbours' intention by lowering the fence height was to be able to enjoy views of your garden!! They'll still be able to enjoy the clematis. In towns here there are by-laws about fence heights, but here in a more rural area everyone seems to allow their properties to run into one another, you rarely see a fence, and if you do it's because of some dispute or other. This way, everyone can enjoy everyone else's garden too and feel connected. But of course our properties are a lot bigger, we can usually find a more private area in the garden, and I understand your need for privacy when you live so close to neighbours. We are always very aware of that when we return to the UK on holiday.
25 Apr, 2009
Hi Elke ~
I certainly need fences to keep my dogs in and my neighbours' chickens within their own garden. I really like my privacy, so am relieved to have found a way to restore it. Thanks for your comment. Properties are much closer together in England, as you say...
25 Apr, 2009
What a great job you've done on this, good look with the ongoing work. The clematis looks wonderful.
25 Apr, 2009
Thanks Susie. :o)
25 Apr, 2009
Job well done TT..good idea fixing featherboards..your clematis is gorgeous
25 Apr, 2009
Hi Deida ~
Frances has been climbing my trellis for about 4 years now.
She produces more flowers every year..
She is living in quite a shady location, but she doesn't seem to mind... :o)
25 Apr, 2009
~well done TT!
25 Apr, 2009
Good job on restoring your privacy....
25 Apr, 2009
Thanks, NN.
The weather has changed a bit in England right now, so I'll wait for the next settled spell to carry on with my carpentry. Lol.
25 Apr, 2009
you have done an amazing job TT, the clematis doesnt even seem worried that its been moved about,, have the neibours said anything about your extensions? job well done anyway
25 Apr, 2009
Hi Sanbaz ~
The featherboard sections are fixed to posts on my land so I'm within the law, and any extra shade falls on my garden, so should not cause any problems for the neighbours.
25 Apr, 2009
not that you should worry TT, they didnt think about you when changing the fence,, anyway whats done is done now,, you look to be getting your privacy back,, so thats all good :o)
25 Apr, 2009
Well done, TT. You should get a job with one of the DIY TV programmes, your fencing extension looks really good. The Clematis is lovely too and so big. Is it an evergreen?
25 Apr, 2009
Hi Gee ~
Glad you are impressed with my DIY. Lol.
Conker and Truffle could have their own TV show...
DIY for Dogs. Lol..
Re ~ Clematis Frances Rivis ~
She is not evergreen, but is amongst the evergreen leaves of my climbing Hydrangea Petiolaris.... 'Pete' to his friends..
Pete adds year round greenery and doesn't mind growing on the shady side of a fence...
So Frances and Pete live happily, intermingled together. :o)
25 Apr, 2009
I do like a story with a happy ending, TT - I feel I should have a tissue in my hand as I wave Frances and Pete off as they climb up into the sunset together :)
25 Apr, 2009
:o) Lol.
25 Apr, 2009
Glad it survived! Went to dig up one that I thought I had been a bit over zelous with the pruning, only to find new growth!
25 Apr, 2009
Amazing how some plants surprise you and bounce back :o)
25 Apr, 2009
well done you fixed it you said you could lol
25 Apr, 2009
Lol . Mickb ~
That's half the job.
Got to make a second set of boards for the left side, but so far so good :o)
25 Apr, 2009
Well done on a good job TT and,your Clematis looks good...
25 Apr, 2009
Thanks, Janette :o)
25 Apr, 2009
How wonderful you have regained your privacy and the sastisfactoin of a job well done!
25 Apr, 2009
Hi Pansypotter ~
Yes, that first set of boards has fitted well, so I'll tackle the next set soon !
26 Apr, 2009
glad its all going well
26 Apr, 2009
Lovely climber, Tt, and the fence is looking gr8, too! :-)
26 Apr, 2009
Thanks Mageth and David ~
This morning I put up two more metposts, two posts, and a section of trellis, so work is progressing !
... and Frances is flourishing. :o)
26 Apr, 2009
I don't mean to be thick but I can't see how you manage to bolt the featherboards on.........
It looks very nice tho' and you are very clever. Your climber is "looking after" you by continuing to flower and stay well. Your calm attitude is rubbing off on it, lol!!
26 Apr, 2009
Hi Craftnutter ~
I made the complete section of featherboards, four deep, which you can see on my blog. Then I took it behind my shed on the right and then, with a friend supporting the end of the featherboard section, I gradually somehow managed to feed it along to the left ~ between my trellis of climbers and the new shorter neighbour's fence behind.
The trellis sections you can see are fixed to two upright wooden posts which are set in metposts in the ground.
I drilled right through the upright posts and put very thin bolts in. I made sure when I made the feather board section that there are uprights on it, parallel to the wooden posts holding the trellis.
This afternoon I made the second featherboard section, so it maybe that when this is attached to posts I can show it better in a photo, because that is a new section to the left of what you can see in this picture. Therefore no climbers there yet.....
This explanation probably makes the whole procedure seem clear as mud..... Lol.
It has certainly given me optimism that Frances has survived, and I'm also encouraged by the support of GoY members such as yourself, so many thanks. :o)
26 Apr, 2009
You definitely are well acquainted with a hammer and nail, my friend. Very polished appearance. One would think you had a professional landscaper come in. Such gorgeous plants. Jealousy abounds.
26 Apr, 2009
Hi Arizonacat ~ Thank you.
However, I've seen enough hammers, nails, screwdrivers, tape measures, drills etc, to last me quite a while...Lol..... I so want to get back to some flower gardening. !!!
I'm glad you like my planting. :o)
26 Apr, 2009
Super job, Terra - it makes a great background to Frances and Pete. Conker and Truffle must be very proud.
26 Apr, 2009
Thanks, Wagger...
It will be lovely when the whole task is completed :o)
Conker and Truffle watch every step of my fencing work while they sunbathe...
27 Apr, 2009
I am utterly amazed and totally impressed with your achievements TT - you seem to be making a MUCH BETTER job with your carpentry than that so-called fence man next door used .....
Keep it up (slowly slowly, or else you'll run out of steam) and you can then sit back feeling really chuffed with yourself when it's all finished and all the well deserved compliments come flying your way ...
27 Apr, 2009
Thanks, Terry60 for your wise words...
I really did too far too much carpentry yesterday because I knew this would be a rainy week...
.. I'm exhausted, going around like a zombie today...
You're right.. I'm going to be soooo pleased when the work is all done..
27 Apr, 2009
Looking good ! : )
27 Apr, 2009
Thanks, BB.
Hoping, weather permitting, I might have all the featherboard in place by Saturday... :o)
27 Apr, 2009
As I said,in time for bank holiday ! Lol
27 Apr, 2009
:o) Yes, please.....
27 Apr, 2009
I think you've cracked it TT. It looks really good and neat and tidy too!
27 Apr, 2009
Thanks, Dawn.
I'll be so relieved when I've put those last sections are up...
... my shoulders deserve a rest. LOL.
28 Apr, 2009
Its probably too late to suggest that you use the hammer in screws that I've shown on my site.instead of bolts.They are very strong and you just drill the same size hole in both bits of wood then hammer the screw in. Quick and easy. You've done a great job,and it sounds like you fixed the trickiest section.Weather is holding me up too,and I have to keep baling water out of the pond and stream,I dont want it yet.
28 Apr, 2009
Thanks for your advice, Hameryllis.
Too late for this fencing job, but thanks for the reminder...I'll remember those hammer in screws... very useful..
And thank you for your encouragement...
What a task you have with that pond and stream...
Mrs Ham tells me you're wearing those waders quite a lot lately :o)
28 Apr, 2009
Well done TT , I love the way gardeners always find a way round a problem , the hidden talents for doing the jobs they have never done before and coming up smelling of roses ..
I,m so pleased you have your privacy back , your aching muscles will be a dim memory when you are reclining in peace and solitude :o)
28 Apr, 2009
Thanks, Amy....
One more featherboard section to go up and privacy will be complete. LOL.
28 Apr, 2009
I know its been very, very tiring and hard work but you were on a mission which is nearly complete :)
28 Apr, 2009
Hi Dawn ~
We have the technology ~
We will rebuild it ~
Mission almost completed. Lol.. :o)
28 Apr, 2009
Ha ha TT, you've done so well, have a pat on the back!
28 Apr, 2009
~well done TT~Tommy Walsh eat your heart out!
28 Apr, 2009
Oh, that's looking beautiful, Terra. Really beautiful and it looks super against the colour of the fence.
Smashing job on your featherboards too.
29 Apr, 2009
Thanks, Llew....
Hoping to report by the end of the week that the featherboards are all completed.....
29 Apr, 2009
Great job TT.
30 Apr, 2009
Wonderful flower color and great fix for your problem. When the vine completes its journey, you will have your privacy's so important..
30 Apr, 2009
Thank you, Happy and Skippy ~
Yes, privacy is very important.
My neighbours live, eat, barbecue and party noisily outdoors most of the year, immediately the other side of that fence....
1 May, 2009
Hi TT, I love clematis, they're such a lovely plant. I haven't been very successful with growing them though, but I will try again this year. They are selling them all grown-up already, around here, so you miss the small size and get them when they are already developed. I might have to try that.
1 May, 2009
Hello Poetgardener ~
Yes, there's such a variety of Clematis. Buying the young size, it seems there's a greater risk of the whole plant being chewed away to nothing by slugs and snails, so a mature plant has more chance of surviving. Generally clematis like to have their roots in the cool, shade and damp, but not waterlogged, and their top growth in the sunshine. Good luck with your next attempt :o)
2 May, 2009
Looking good TT...............soon be finished and back to normal....:o)
4 May, 2009
Thanks, Janey.... :o)
5 May, 2009
very nice. I hope mine grows as nice as this
20 May, 2009
Thanks, I'm sure yours will be lovely. They take a couple of years to establish themselves....
20 May, 2009
TT, This is a VERY long post, but way up top you mentioned that the Clematis is sitting amongst your climbing Hydrangea. For the first time last week, tucked way back at the plant center, I found a climbing Hydrangea. I never saw one before, and I LOVE hydrangeas. Does it flower just like a regular hydrangea? Does it need the same conditions?
I have one bud on my new Clematis that looks to be about 2ft high, so not sure how old it is. I'm hoping it blooms! I'm keeping my fingers crossed. At least I haven't killed it yet!
Thanks very much, this is a very good post with lots of info!
23 May, 2009
Our new neighbours are hacking away at everything in their garden and our privacy is slowly being eroded. Just seeing your fence extension has given us food for thought. You must have completed the job by now, how does it look?
11 Jun, 2009
Hi Silverbelle ~
Yes, the job is complete. I'll try to take another photo this weekend.
My Sheltie isn't well ( see blog ) so that's been on my mind, and I've not been in the garden much, but my featherboard stayed strong during very high winds....
A pity you're being deprived of your privacy. This featherboard system has worked very efficiently, together with trellis. If you've any more questions I'll try to help.
11 Jun, 2009
Yard construction is so tiring, yet so rewarding, isn't it? Well done.
30 Jul, 2009
Thanks, Mamagem...
So far, the featherboard sections have held up well ... !
30 Jul, 2009
Pictures by terratoonie
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2 Nov, 2009
The feather boarding looks brilliant TT.
I love these blue spring Clematis. I have a new one for my garden - can't remember the name now. I hope it will look as good as yours soon.
25 Apr, 2009