Pergola in my back garden ~ Clematis armandii
By Terratoonie

31 Mar, 2009
.... a different angle is on my next photo ...
blackbirds' nest is hidden inside.....
Comments on this photo
Oh TT .. I hope my new Clematis Armandii " Snow drift" looks as good as this next year :o)
31 Mar, 2009
Is 'snowdrift' a different shape of flower, Amy ?
Sounds lovely. :o)
Thanks, Janey. Yes, this is evergreen.
Quite fast-growing....
31 Mar, 2009
I like the blue sky behind the pink blossom . It's lovely - reminds me of a tree I had in the old garden.
31 Mar, 2009
Yes, you're right, Hywel.
The blue sky shows off the pinks and whites really well. :o)
31 Mar, 2009
Its gorgeous TT, I think I have the same one, I just noticed today it has 3 flowers but they were hidden, I was all excited but i dont think it will flower as much as yours, its not yet a year old..
31 Mar, 2009
Hi Dee ~ This clematis is a fast grower, so you'll have lots of flowers in the not too distant future.
Yours is just a baby yet. Lol. :o)
31 Mar, 2009
wonderful Clematis Terra just wish I had the space to grow this one, what a lovely place for the Blackbirds to nest! I was watching a Blackbird going in and out an old conifer tree with nesting material this morning, The conifer is up against next doors fence. I heard a bang on the fence and the Blckbird flew out of the tree onto the garage roof, she was very upset sending out alarm calls. I went round the back of the tree to find a neighbours cat sat on the fence, I chased it away but Im afraid the Black bird has left in search of a safer nesting place.
1 Apr, 2009
PP ~ Let's hope your blackbird finds a cat-free nesting place.
In my garden the blackbirds have chosen the most dense section of the clematis on the pergola, so I'm hoping the cats can't reach inside.
From below the pergola this afternoon, I had a quiet peep up at the nest and could see the blackbird sitting there :o)
1 Apr, 2009
I would like room to grow this clematis, TT. It's lovely.
1 Apr, 2009
Hi TT, I'm interested in getting one of these, especially as the birds love it. Everyone is referring to its size - does it get VERY big?
1 Apr, 2009
Hi Gee and Dawn ~
I'm pleased you like this one.
This clematis can get very large, but doesn't mind receiving a lot of trimming, so I reckon you could grow it and keep it under control quite easily. Pairs of collared doves and blackbirds have nested in mine over the years. It does result in waiting to prune the clematis until the birds have finished rearing babies. :o)
2 Apr, 2009
It must be a good year for these my friend has one and its covered in flowers this year, last year it didn't look as good
2 Apr, 2009
just stunning
2 Apr, 2009
Hello Deida and Skilla ~
Last year, mine didn't blossom so well.
I'm lucky that this spring it has lots of flowers. :o)
2 Apr, 2009
Beautiful shot TT and stunning flowers:-)
3 Apr, 2009
Thank you, Panther.
These are still blossoming well. :o)
3 Apr, 2009
Thanks TT, sounds like it would fit into my garden well, I'll put it on my Wish List :)
3 Apr, 2009
~certainly beats mine TT~it is gorgeous!
3 Apr, 2009
Hi again, Dawn ~
Clematis armandii would be great for your garden !
Thank you, Arlene ~
This is flowering better than it did last spring. :o)
4 Apr, 2009
Lost ours earlier this year to hard frosts ! Was only a youngster ! : (
4 Apr, 2009
That's disappointing, BB ~
I started a cutting off mine, which has now got rather big, so I know it is possible to make cuttings.
Would you like me try to starting another smaller cutting and then I'll mail it to you?
It would probably be ready later in the summer.
If it died over winter in Yorks I would not be upset. Lol. :o)
4 Apr, 2009
Thanks TT...that would be great ! Could overwinter it in the porch,which would offer some protection,or in small portable greenhouse we have ! : )
4 Apr, 2009
Okay, I'll give that a try.
It will be fun.
Conker and Truffle will help. :o)
4 Apr, 2009
Lovely TT, I'm sure the blackbirds like it too! :-)
5 Apr, 2009
Hello Pottygardener ~
Thank you.
The blackbirds have been very active today, in an out of the armandii, preparing to be parents. :o)
5 Apr, 2009
That's a beautiful clematis TT.
I have a landscaper friend from Venezuela named Armando so I would be calling this Clematis Armando....LOL.
8 Apr, 2009
Hi Gilli ~
I'm sure Armando is very handsome, just like Armandii. Lol.
8 Apr, 2009
Mine is very strongly growing - but still hasn't flowered! It's been in three years at least.
10 Apr, 2009
Does your Armandii get sunshine on it, Spritz ?
10 Apr, 2009
My Armandii is in full bloom now.
Anyone considering this climber, the blossoms do last a long time.
Two thunderstorms this week, but the lovely white flowers are still there !
16 Apr, 2009
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I really like the leaves too on this Clematis...are they evergreen TT? Very lovely spring blossoms!
31 Mar, 2009