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More Happy Bees For My Greenhouse :)


By Jacque

More Happy Bees For My Greenhouse :)

These will be put on 2 other Glass Paines Around My Greenhouse 2 Match the 1s on The Door :)Sure 2 Stop Little Birds From Flying In2 It & Brighten it up:)

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Heres hoping they attract the real thing Jacque ..

12 Feb, 2009


I didnt have a Shortage of Bumble Bees last Summer BB but it would be great if they did attract even more :)

12 Feb, 2009


lovely and cheerful Jacque

12 Feb, 2009


What happy faces. :o)

12 Feb, 2009


Thanx Eileen/Hywel i cant wait4the Warmer Weather so i can Stick them On :)

12 Feb, 2009


They will look very cheerful even on a dull day Jacque :o)

12 Feb, 2009


I thought That Amy when i saw them for sale on Ebay :) They also Match the 1s iv already got ;D

12 Feb, 2009


Brilliant idea Jacque - I very often have a bird in the greenhouse, panicing because it cant find the open door :-(

12 Feb, 2009


Jacque, you sound as addicted to ebay as much as I am! Like your little bubble bees very much. I've been buying bits & pieces for the dolls house garden while I wait for the real thing to dry out and warm up :)

12 Feb, 2009


Every year I get leaf cutter bees in my greenhouse, they get into the drainage holes at the bottom of the larger pots and make their little cells for their eggs and eventually larvae/grubs. It is easy to deter these little invaders by making sure all the pots are sitting in saucers, but I can't bring myself to stop them having somewhere to nest.

12 Feb, 2009


They are a brilliant idea Jacque he he he ........

12 Feb, 2009


Aren't the bumble bees so pretty and fuzzy. I want to photograph them, but I"m afraid of them too. They're so big!!

12 Feb, 2009


I used to keep two hives of bees and it is a very interesting hobby. Gerry became allergic to the stings so had to give it up. Got about 80 lbs of honey a year and made beeswax candles and furniture polish. Bees are really suffering at the moment and beekeepers are finding it hard with a mite called the varroah mite attacking the bees. It's a good thing that people are trying hard to look after the wild bees by making homes for them. I always let the clover grow in the lawn for the bumble bees.

13 Feb, 2009


Id love a Dolls House Gee Mine would have Garden Bigger The itself lol :) Janette z shes had Birds in her greenhouse 2 Dawn! Glad u like my idea Milky:) Its a shame ur affraid of Bees Tasteyg as your so good with your Camera & would get some fantastic Shots of them :) Bee Keeping must of been Fab Lindak & all that Honey 2 MMMMMmmmmmmmm Yum Yum :)

13 Feb, 2009


I used to try to go into the hive about lunchtime when a lot of the bees were out foraging on the flowers. I gently smoked the hive entrance then opened up the top and took of the top section of frames where the bees stored the honey, then there is a metal frame that only allows the workers in, because if the queen got up there she would lay her eggs amoungst the comb used for storing the honey. When I got to the brood frames that are a bit deeper in size, I gently smoked over the top of them then used my hive tool to ease out each frame and look at it to see what was happening and if everything was healthy, and make sure that the queen cells usually made by the bees at the bottom of the frames were knocked off. Once I had worked through them all then I put the hive back together again and left the bees for another week. I sometimes had to pick up a swarm that would arrive May June time and blend it in with the hive. That's how I got the second hive started. You have to keep calm and just enjoy them though. Sometimes I'd have to take the honey early depending on what the bees had been foraging on because some of the honey sets fast. Heather and Rape are the two that do. Bees fly from the hive for two to three miles so I used to check what the farmers were doing. The honey tasted different from year to year. Just a bit of info for you Jacque

13 Feb, 2009


Wow! Thanx Lindak so much work u put in2 it dont u :) 2/3 miles 2 get their Pollen thats a long way for a litle Bee ! Im really in2 helping Wildlife,Butterflys,Bees ect & iv got lots of Flowers /Plants that they enjoy :)

13 Feb, 2009


These are great Jaqcue!
Lindak....the bee keeping would make a great blog and easy to access then with some pics......please......pretty please.......

16 Feb, 2009


I don't keep them any more but I have got a photo that I can put on the site I will try to put info on a blog at sometime

17 Feb, 2009


O What a Fab idea Janey :) Could u do aBlog Lindak on Bee Keeping? Im sure Many Members would love2see how its all done with Your Pics& Instructions :) Then i can add it 2 Bumble Bees In The Gardening Encyclopedia ! :)

17 Feb, 2009


Thats a very good idea Jac to stop the Birdies from flying into the glass :-)

19 Feb, 2009


Happy Bees, a lovely idea Jacque.
Enjoyed that too Lindak:-)

19 Feb, 2009


Thanx Sarah /Panther :)

19 Feb, 2009

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