STOP and Smell The Roses
By Diohio

12 Feb, 2009
Or Marigolds !
Fawn in the back yard. Pic taken with old 35mm.
Comments on this photo
Yes wonderful so well photographed and such a beautiful deer. Did he eat the flowers just after this shot was taken?
12 Feb, 2009
I couldn't interest you in some snow could I? Looking at your pic I can almost smell the grass growing...lovely
12 Feb, 2009
that is a beautiful photo Diohio
12 Feb, 2009
Thanks Janette and Toto. No he didn't even nibble on the flowers. I'm not sure any critter would be interested in Marigolds.........they have that strange odor.
Treeman, I've had my share of ice and snow this winter thank you very much ! We're just getting rid of ice and snow from an ice storm 2 weeks ago and another cold front is moving in this minute. They're calling for snow today. The wind is blowing so hard outside that our electric has been off for 12 hours now (we have a generator). That's how I found this fawn pic...........I was trying to get warm and think spring !
12 Feb, 2009
Thanks Irish.
12 Feb, 2009
Very well photographed :o)
12 Feb, 2009
Aaw, this is gorgeous, i could look at it all day! So peaceful, just the way life should be! Well done!
12 Feb, 2009
What a Beautiful Photo Of A Gorgeous Fawn Diohio :)
12 Feb, 2009
Oh thats beautiful...............A Bambi in the back garden..............You lucky devil.........................Gone on my favorites too
12 Feb, 2009
Gorgeous, wish I had one in my garden. :-)
12 Feb, 2009
Oh that is so beautiful.Gone on favourites....
12 Feb, 2009
Oh ddddddear! That's a fabulous shot! I love it! To my favs as well :)
12 Feb, 2009
Thanks everyone ! I'm so glad you're enjoying it.
13 Feb, 2009
Great Photo
13 Feb, 2009
Amazing shot Diohio ! Better than any I've seen in a magazine, the girl's got skills...;-). Gone to my favorites too !
17 Feb, 2009
Great photo
17 Feb, 2009
Thank you all ! Flcrazy, with this one I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
17 Feb, 2009
Wow, that's such a fantatic photograph.
18 Feb, 2009
Beautiful Shot, Di! Is this one of your Doe's fawns? How did they come through the winter? and the turkeys, How are they doing? seeing wildflowers yet? Looking forward to your posts.
15 Mar, 2009
Hi Lori, yes, this was Rose's fawn. Most of them came through the winter really well. I think I lost a few.........used to get 11 regulars and now there's only 7 every night. I havn't seen the turkeys since last Nov. (hunting season) but mating season is coming so I hope to be seeing them soon.
No wildflowers yet, but they are popping through the ground ! The only flower I have right now is Snowdrops, and a few Heleborus and daff buds. Can't wait ! I'm hoping we have another spring like last year.........not too warm too fast. Last week it was 70 degrees F one day and I got worried. But it got cold again. It did allow me to get out and get a lot cleaned up though, and my pond filters cleaned and up and running !
How about you? Still have snow piled up?
15 Mar, 2009
Hard to believe but this time last year we had just had 59 inches of snow dumped on us in one horrible storm...This year the weather people have been saying that we could have an early was my first day in the yard...I did some raking and cleaning up but there's still a lot of water around because the snow is melting. (We still have the remains of the snowbanks but most of the snow is gone, even in the bush) This is classic Maple Sugar's just below 32 degrees F at night and the days hover around 40-50 Deg. F. We've had really strong arctic winds. Went on a drive North last weekend to look at a house (my husband is retiring and we're moving to the country) and saw six deer, and two moose (a cow and a yearling) and lots of roadkill...skunk, raccoon and mink!... my pond is still frozen...and my pump bit the bitter biscuit last fall! not sure what to do...but think I'll replace it...we will be listing our house soon too so I guess I should have it up and running...the fish and nymphaea are still in the aq. downstairs..
.checked out my perennials seems that most of them are alive and kicking...
16 Mar, 2009
Well tell your husband congrats on retiring ! A move to the country sounds so wonderful, especially if you'll get to see that kind of wildlife ! My gosh I'd LOVE to see moose !!
Your weather sounds about like ours right now. Except we don't have any snow.
16 Mar, 2009
how beautiful and your so lucky to have nature like this right on your doorstep
29 Apr, 2009
wow, that is close - fantasic photo
5 Nov, 2009
beautiful !
11 Nov, 2009
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Wonderful photo Di,going straight on to my favourites....
12 Feb, 2009