Wide border in June.
By Spritzhenry

30 Jan, 2009
Just a reminder of what it looked like...I hope that some GOY members will be able to visit us in June!
Comments on this photo
wow Spritz this is lovely,,,,was'nt on GOY much in June, this is just lovely, really wish i could come, who knows, i am sure Carmel would love to do the journey with me, but its weather i have Brooke cover, she would'nt be able to travel so far, she is sick if i take her into town. : -(
30 Jan, 2009
Oh Spritz, I do love your garden. If I could come and visit I would. This is simply lovely.
31 Jan, 2009
Really attractive from this angle.
31 Jan, 2009
Fantastic Spritz......now how about renting this summer house out in June?? lol
31 Jan, 2009
Does Henry consider the summer house as his personal property ?
Is it a favourite place for him to have a quick snooze ? :o)
31 Jan, 2009
No - I am ashamed to say that since we had the Garden room built, we tend to sit in there, rather than the summer house! So Henry doesn't really go in there any more!
He likes to be where we are - so he comes into the garden to 'help' or lies down next to one of us. He still does his morning 'patrol' of the whole garden - just checking - and is a bit puzzled as to why some of his territory is now off-limits!
31 Jan, 2009
It,s really beautiful how long did it take you to get as it is now Spritz , did you start from scratch ?
Poor Henry , it,s a shame ....
31 Jan, 2009
Some and some, Amy. There were far too many Japanese Anemones so I had a try at removing some - I'll have to have another go at them soon - I put the obelisk in, plus Clematis and a 'Dublin Bay' rose. I also re-planted the left hand end and completely revamped the last 8 feet on the far right - it was FULL of Symphytum - I dug out 12 barrow loads!
The two standard roses were here, in metal 'cages'. Also Lysimachia ciliata 'Firecracker', Hesperis and Trifolium. I am trying to keep down the population of Ox-eye daisies - they must have liked them as they were just everywhere., not just in this border!
We moved in in the January and I didn't do anything until the autumn as I wanted to see what there was here. So - just over three years!
31 Jan, 2009
Its fabulous a credit to you and all your hard work, Im sure your visitors will love it.
31 Jan, 2009
3 years is no time at all to turn a garden into a show piece like yours it,s amazing Spritz well done .!
We have the same problem with the Japanese Anemonies , we bought a couple to start with and they now come up every where , you have to take every piece out , it,s so annoying when you see how much they charge for a plant at a nursery .
This week I have dug up 2 barrow loads of Iris foetidissima and I haven,t finished yet... the birds drop the seed , also as I was digging it up the bright berries were dropping back into the soil .
Interesting .. I,ve looked in my book of healing plants and the root of Comfrey can be used for Eczema , Now I have had a spot of Eczema for the first time this year , but no thank you I don,t think that I will have yours.. LOL ..
Your garden is very pretty and perfectly planned , you must work very hard to keep it like that ...........
31 Jan, 2009
Yes, I am out there every day - sometimes in the rain (as long as it's not pouring)...but I'm retired and it is not just a hobby, it's such a lot more than that.
I have Iris foetidissima, too. I let it stay in some places for the berries. I keep having to pull up babies, though! I am going to pot some up for the plant stall and the school May Fair.
I have ordered a 'Citrina' to put in a shady corner. The muddy mauve flowers (of the ones I have) are not very inspiring, are they?
31 Jan, 2009
I don,t think that I have seen the ' Citrina ' you will have to put photo,s on when you have one in bloom Spritz .. I agree the brown ones are not so attractive ...... We have a friend who only specialises in Irises , last year he gave us one called ' Gingerbread Man ' it,s rather nice but it would be lost in a border ...
We are winding down our Soil Analysis business , we should be retired , It,s hard for my husband to let go , I have been mainly Analysing soil samples for British Suger and Farmers ., It is so busy at times that we don,t have much time to spare for other things , My husband has excepted a job from a large seed company doing a few days consultancy work a year , He is happy with that as it will keep him up to date and still meet old friends ......
We have had some snow showers this morning , not much, the sun is coming through at the moment ... The lull before the storm !
1 Feb, 2009
Your garden is so beautiful! Will you let me know when you are open because Rog has said we could set out early one day and come and see it - and you of course!
3 Feb, 2009
I would love to visit your garden, Spritz...but alas...all that water in between...lol. Is it possible to post videos on goY??? I can't say that I ever checked...but was thinking...perhaps you could do a walk about with your camera as a post for those of us in NA who can't make it in person.?
4 Feb, 2009
Lori - there's a limit in the size you can download, so you can't post videos directly. A few people have used 'Youtube' to post videos a while ago, but I wasn't ever happy with the quality when I looked at them on GOY. Some didn't work at all on my PC - just once I think I saw a good clear one.
There is also the problem that I am no techie I wouldn't have a clue how to do ANY of it! I would just hate it if my garden looked awful on a Youtube video, so I am afraid it'll be photos only.
Do you ever come over, Lori? If you do, you will have to let me know - after all, the June dates are for charity - friends can visit at other times! Same applies to Gwendas ! (I sent her a PM)
4 Feb, 2009
Hubby is retiring this spring, Spritz... don't imagine we'll be able to go far in the first year, at any rate...sounds like a terrific idea and I've always wanted to come home to the land of my ancestors...(would like to see Italy too)... so I'll be thinking about how to arrange a trip.....maybe in the future a "GOY Tour" could be arranged!?
4 Feb, 2009
I shall definately make sure I am in the area on one of those dates. I look forward to looking around your fantastic garden.
6 Feb, 2009
What a lovely garden you have.
6 Feb, 2009
Thanks, Toto. Look forward to meeting you, Trees!
6 Feb, 2009
I love this picture Barbara, you have a really beautiful garden.
10 Feb, 2011
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This photo was taken at Ash Cottage.
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im sure you will get lots of visitors
30 Jan, 2009