Comfry Unknown
By Simbad
- 10 Apr, 2016
Love this another lovely plant for shade,low growing and does spread quite quickly but thats fine by me helps smother the weeds.
Sent to me by a lovely GOY member a couple of years ago and we now have several clumps dotted about in the wood.
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According to my herb book its good for a lot of things Kathy ,Bronchitis ,coughs, rheumatism ,neuralgia, phlebitis ,chronic ulcers also slow healing wounds you have your own medicine chest :o))
11 Apr, 2016
Makes super plant feed too ?. Mine is only just coming up.
11 Apr, 2016
Cow parsley and cleaver are the bane of my life Wylie a pain in the b@@, I spent yesterday slicing the tops off the cow parsley thats smothering the bluebells, if i could keep doing that one day it might die thing is there's so much to do right now turn your back for five minutes and its 5 foot tall and flowering grrrr.
Sounds a good thing to have then Amy and Dawn, can you use any variety of comfry for plant food then I know people on the allotments use it and it smells foul but thought it was just a certain variety ?
12 Apr, 2016
Mine is the bog basic variety, I would think all types would work. I just use the leaves, put them in a tub, lots, add water and I weigh down with bricks as the leaves float to the top. Super stuff after a few weeks. Omg Kathy, my cow parsley is swamping the bluebells too but my bane as you know is hog weed, I keep hoeing off as soooo much, grows overnight, I will never win ?. If it seeds, I'll be doomed x
14 Apr, 2016
I'll give it a try Dawn , although this is doing a pretty good job of smothering weeds and the leaves arent as big as the one usually used for liquid feed, weeds pllant food, weeds plant food mmmm tough decision lol.
Oh no yours too think they know we're way to busy to keep on top of the chopping so move extra quick to set seed!! Some of mine actually had flower heads forming yesterday not for long !!
I found a couple of hogweed plants too now those I did chop back many times after your experience with them, no sign this year yet fingers crossed.
15 Apr, 2016
Haha Kathy, they do grow over night I'm sure, my hoe is like a razor, no escape, well until 2 days later and they re-evolve lol, digging up is not an option, I'm always chasing my tail sigh x
17 Apr, 2016
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I don't have the same problem with weeds that you do because my trees are all evergreen. If they do get cut back, the blackberry vines and grassy weeds try to take over.
10 Apr, 2016