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bird feeder base 2

bird feeder base 2

the feeder pole was find till the gardner moved it, then it woul not stay upright. at one point I even lashed a diagaon metal pole to it, to brace it, but it didn't like that either. Had a branstorm couple of days ago and tried my small parasol base - seems to work.

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Nice find and duel purpose Fran. Those 2 pronged poles that stamp in the ground work well too, if you can find one and get it home. I bought 2 short ones in a garden centre on the way to Maldon. They take hanging baskets. Act as shirt driers or bird feeders that I can reach. I wanted 2 more but not stocked since.

5 Aug, 2014


I bought four the last time I was at Ikea, years ago, and never found a use for them till now - at the old place, I wired one to the chicken-wire back fence and hung a feeder on that, but they're not much use for anything heavy-ish, they just bend. doubt they'd be any use for hanging plants.

How tall are your tall ones? getting a mental picture of a tall Shepherd's Crook sort of thing.

Almost wish I'd kept the old roatry airer, would have been handy for hanging feeders! I did think of sticking the feeder pole into the airer socket still in the ground, but I couldn't find it - rather than take it out, the handyman hammered it further into the ground - it was a trip hazard as it was.

5 Aug, 2014

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