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I love it amazing, and a very merry xmas to you to :0)

15 Dec, 2012


Absolutely Brilliant Sticki, Merry Christmas to you, xx

15 Dec, 2012


Oh Sticki , I love it LOL ... thank you ! wishing you and your family a very happy Christmas and New Year x

15 Dec, 2012


Love it! Happy Christmas and have a great 2013.

15 Dec, 2012


Thanks Stickie...have a great Christmas & a wonderful New year x

15 Dec, 2012


excellent how you've done that Sticki, hope you have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year too :-)

15 Dec, 2012


LOL, that's Brilliant! Simple and so effective. Happy Christmas Sticki!

15 Dec, 2012


Probably one of the few healthy things this xmas ; )
happy Christmas to you Sticki

15 Dec, 2012


Love your Brocoli tree... Happy Christmas...

15 Dec, 2012


Just to say it was not my original idea, I saw it on a photo and thought ~ I can make one of those! Thank you for all your lovely comments and merry christmas!
p.s. The green part will be in the soup tonight! [broccoli and stilton!]

15 Dec, 2012


Yummy! Well done, and have a great Christmas Sticki. :))

15 Dec, 2012


Now Sticki, your'e not meant to fess up like that!!

15 Dec, 2012


Wow love it too Sticki very novel too, Happy Christmas to you and al the very best for the New Year;0)

15 Dec, 2012


Thats great I love it. A very happy Christmas Sticki x.

15 Dec, 2012


Really made me smile! I had no idea what it was in the thumbnail...quite a surprise! :)Happy Christmas Sticki!

15 Dec, 2012


Ha ha....I do like your sense of humour Sticki!! Now I'm wondering what your Xmas dinner will look like.....something very Have a lovely Xmas too. X

15 Dec, 2012


That's brilliant - the only Christmas tree to make me feel hungry. Like the sound of the soup too - one of my favourites. Happy Christmas.

15 Dec, 2012


Love this 'tree' Sticki ... and I'm with Gee on the soup ... definitely a favourite of mine ... have a happy Christmas ... :o)

15 Dec, 2012


Oh, that is so clever and looks so effective!

A very Happy Christmas to you and all good wishes for 2013!

15 Dec, 2012


Lol Happy Christmas to you
ps I hope you enjoyed the soup :o)

15 Dec, 2012


That's clever! Best 'tree' I've seen! Happy Christmas to you and yours sticki! :o)

16 Dec, 2012


Clever you, great tree, must be an evergreen brocollatus, and with edible decorations too. Much healthier than chocolate coins LOL.

16 Dec, 2012


Oh, a great looking tree. Merry Christmas to you and yours Sticky.

16 Dec, 2012


Many many thanks everyone!
Lulu - I can't help it!
Janey - I'm not cooking this year ( first time in 35 years ) so I'm sure dinner will be good!
Nariz - I haven't got a tree at all yet, maybe I should buy more broccoli!
Neellan, Shirley, Gee - the soup was good! I have a little left if you would like some!

16 Dec, 2012


We are off to buy a tree from Westonbirt today...our new plans are that my sister comes for Christmas, Yay!
We are making gingerbread decorations for the tree mainly to amuse Sluggy!

16 Dec, 2012


oooooh that all sounds brilliant! a real tree, fun with your sister, sluggy, pru, jazzy and gingerbread = perfect!!

16 Dec, 2012


Brilliant Sticki, glad you are making soup with this rather splendid tree or by Christmas it would be rather smelly Lol. :0 Happy Christmas to you & yours Sticki, have a wonderful time.

16 Dec, 2012


many thanks GM ~ soup eaten too now!!!

i call that ultimate re-cycling!!

16 Dec, 2012


Brilliant.Happy christmas and new year:))))

16 Dec, 2012


thank you mark! and i hope you and yours have a brilliant christmas and new year too!

16 Dec, 2012


Well that's certainly different ! Brilliant! Happy Christmas Stickie.

16 Dec, 2012


thanks Rose! happy christmas to you too, and if you are in touch with Libet please wish her a very happy christmas too

16 Dec, 2012


Excellent St wishing you to a very happy christmas.

17 Dec, 2012


Yes I will, Stickie. We always text and email and have a very long chat on the phone at a weekend.

17 Dec, 2012


I bought some seeds of the broccoli tree,
to plant in the veg plot in January,
I hope they look good as the one by ST,
or is wishful thinking getting the better of me?
Seasonal green greetings Stickitoffee. LOL ;-)))))

17 Dec, 2012


many thanks scotkat
thats lovely rose, really good to have made such a good friend
i hope your broccoli tree comes up with baby tomatoes on for its decoration bampy!!

17 Dec, 2012


wishing you a very happy christmas too:-) x

18 Dec, 2012


thanks summerbreeze, you too

18 Dec, 2012


You inspired me to have a go at an xmas button hole Sticki ; )

18 Dec, 2012


Brill , Sticki ; Happy Chrimbo to you .

18 Dec, 2012


Im very impressed Stevie ~ you wont be eating the button hole though will you?

thanks driad, happy chrimbo to you as well!

18 Dec, 2012


Happy Christmas to you too Sticki:)

18 Dec, 2012


many thanks makao, nice to see you back on here! and a very happy christmas to you too

18 Dec, 2012


:) thank you Sticki:)

18 Dec, 2012



18 Dec, 2012


Such a healthy Christmas - edible art!

18 Dec, 2012


It's all gone gattina!

19 Dec, 2012


Yes, but not forgotten, Sticki - you could do some more: variations on a theme - a whole new art form!

19 Dec, 2012


Merry Christmas to you too Sticki - that's very healthy looking christmas tree:-)

19 Dec, 2012


Have a lovely Christmas Sticki <:O)))~ xx

19 Dec, 2012


now thats a great idea gattina, you know what im like ~ bit of food and im happy!

oh thanks kasy ~ nice to see you, hope you are not working too hard

many thanks annella, you too

19 Dec, 2012


Ha ha....excellent!

19 Dec, 2012


thank you paul!! not my idea though!

19 Dec, 2012


hi Sticki - just popped in for a sec. I am affraid I am working hard - I don't know how many christmas trees I've handled so far, how many netted and how many bottoms of the trunk I have sawn off with a blunt saw - the last one is a real killer, lol. But I never complain - it's a very good exersise, lol - soon I will be all muscles ;-)
should be back more permanently soon;-)

19 Dec, 2012


Very Artistic Stickitoffee! :o)))

19 Dec, 2012


oh no kasy!! you will be glad when christmas is over then, but you will possibly be the fittest of all of us!!
are you having a real tree yourself or have you seen enough of them?
be good to see you back!
thanks petal ~ the soup was nice too!!!

19 Dec, 2012


I am waiting to sell the last christmass tree to be honest - it's just too wet, lol. I am usually all muscles, but now it's even more;-) maybe I should join women lifting club? lol.
I have an artificial tree - but will try to get a real tree next year. Just 'discovered' a Fraser Fir - lovely blueish, compact tree.
Should be back next week:)

19 Dec, 2012


i think you should carry on the training for a medal in Rio 2016!!!

fraser fir is lovely, they have some of those near here, i dont have a real tree this year :-( so i might put some pieces of fir tree in the room and maybe some oranges with cloves to make a nice scent?

19 Dec, 2012


I have made a little wreath from branches this year.
But I keep it in the garden so I can see it from my kitchen window. Also thinking about some fresh arrangement in Oasis foam made from fir branches, bit of ivy, holly and whatever I can find in the garden. Maybe a candle as well? Have to wait till my next day off to do so:)

19 Dec, 2012


As for the training - I am not that ambicious, lol. But planning on keeping fit, lol. Doing a lot of gardening:)

19 Dec, 2012


your little wreath sounds very pretty and what a good idea to put it where you can see it ~ not just visitors to your front door!!

19 Dec, 2012


One of the best Christmas trees I have ever seen Sticki...full marks for ingenuity !! Wishing you all the very best...have a wonderful Christmas !

20 Dec, 2012


many thanks BB!!! it isnt perhaps something i would put in the lounge!!!!!!!!!

but its an idea i saw somewhere and thought it was fun! the tomatoes were delicious too!!

hope you have a really lovely christmas too!

20 Dec, 2012


Ha appealed to the Scrooge in me Sticki so it was perfect..;)

20 Dec, 2012



even better when you can eat it all up!!! now thats what appeals to me ~ mind you chocolate may be better!! but i thought since it was a gardening web site!!!??

20 Dec, 2012


Please dont start me off Sticki....shh.... but I am a total chocoholic ! Gardening site.....hmm...rules are meant to be bent though arent they...;)

20 Dec, 2012


i think a good rule is one that can be flexible!!!

oooh chocoholic? sounds like the best sort of addiction!

20 Dec, 2012


Agree on both counts Sticki..;)

20 Dec, 2012



20 Dec, 2012


I like the sound of that Fraser fir tree, Kasy. The scent of a real Christmas tree just makes the season for me, and though we succumbed to the ease and economy of a big artificial one a few years ago (something I swore I'd never do), we still buy a little real one for the porch, where it'll survive in the cool, and where the scent welcomes all callers. I think the people at Ikea (the only place we found with half decent real trees) thought I should be sectioned, as I spent a good 15 minutes wandering around the car park plot where they were all stacked, inhaling the scent deeply and getting a bit emotional. On the subject of chocolate, Sticki, when OH came back from the UK recently, he brought two big bars of Cadbury's D.M., and we're having the most appalling time keeping our hands off them until Christmas. Not very good where temptation's concerned!

22 Dec, 2012


15 minutes gattina? I think that's a quick glance! I have to get every tree out to make sure it's the right shape!! I have to confess I don't like someone to help me, I just have to decide by myself!

As for the chocolate......award yourselves a medal! It's the type of medal I shall never receive!!

22 Dec, 2012


It should be a medal for fortitude and courage under conditions of extreme adversity, Sticki - i.e. a C.A.C. (complete absence of chocolate) Unfortunately, all the Ikea Christmas trees were bundled up in netting, which no-one was about to remove to let us see what we were getting, so we played eenie, meenie, minie, mo. It's not a bad shape, but dropping needles already, despite the cool porch.
The day before, there had been demonstrations and clashes between Ikea staff and police, as customers were led out through the warehouse into the car park. Nothing to do with Christmas trees, just working conditions, but it made us think twice about arguing with anyone, though. Two protesters were hurt, and six policemen, after trucks were driven directly at them. Who'd be a policeman, eh? You can never say this is a boring country to live in.

22 Dec, 2012


Great pic Sticki, a very HAPPY CHRISTMAS to you and yours:-)x

22 Dec, 2012


the season of peace and good will eh gattina??!!

oh, thanks BA, and a very happy christmas to you and yours too!

23 Dec, 2012


What a beautiful veggie Christmas card, Sticki :))
It is very original and pretty :) I found it just today. But looking at it, I am sure you had very healthy Christmas diet.

28 Dec, 2012


Oooooh, very thanks kat!
actually i ate what was in the card the same day i made it ~ broccoli and stilton soup and the little tomatoes as snacks!

christmas dinner itself included a very tasty and large turkey ~ cooked by my son and daughter in law!

28 Dec, 2012


You will have Twiggy sizes after X-mas, that´s for sure.
We had kapustnica and halibut fish with salad on X.mas dinner, but turkey must be fine too :)

28 Dec, 2012


once i was slimmer but never as slim as twiggy!

what is kapustnica katarina? i havent heard of it. we had salmon in pastry on christmas eve but usually we have turkey for christmas day, not everyone likes it but i do

28 Dec, 2012


You never heard about kapustnica, because it is our traditional feast food - something like a very thick soup containing - sauerkraut, dried plums, sausuage (from deer or pig), one smoked rib, mushrooms, laurel leaves, potatoes, red sweet paprika, doublecream.
It is eaten with bread.

28 Dec, 2012


dried plums = prunes?

sounds very tasty! but im wondering if laurel leaves have a different name here? laurel here is a hedging plant [here] with very tough leaves and heavy trunks/branches, the berries are poisonous i think?

28 Dec, 2012


Prunes. That´s it. Sticki, laurel leaves are used widely in European cuisine, are you joking...

28 Dec, 2012


You mean maybe cherry laurel. I mean bay laurel (Laurus nobilis).

28 Dec, 2012


ah, sorry i always forget that bay and laurel are similar but no im not joking, this is what is commonly known as laurel:

the first section talks about common or cherry laurel

28 Dec, 2012


OK. I know it about Prunus laurocerasus. Laurus nobilis is used for soups and kapustnica, of course. In old Greece and Rome they used to make wreaths from them, too, for winners :) I once saw in a friends´ kitchen laurel wreath and asked him where did he win and he said - it is permanent source of leaves for cooking, lol.

29 Dec, 2012


oh, thats right i had forgotten the laurel wreath ~ for the victor of the ancient olympic games? or was it for the Roman victors?

That is a rather good idea to decorate the kitchen with a bay/laurel leaf wreath, this is a rather nice one:

29 Dec, 2012


Yes, very nice. Missing some snail caravans on them :))

29 Dec, 2012


oh yes, i forgot the snail trail!!! maybe you could make the wreath and add the snails?

29 Dec, 2012


If we have snails, I will do. This summer I have almost any in the garden. I wonder, where my friends hunted them in their wreaths, :))

29 Dec, 2012


Loads of snails in my garden!

29 Dec, 2012


Looked delish! I will have to remember that for next year!

1 Jan, 2013


I pinched the idea from a photo on a website Readby ~ always good to find new ideas i think!
thank you!

1 Jan, 2013

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