Fuchsia " Gary Rhodes" ..
By Bloomer

22 Jul, 2012
At last..very slow to flower this year..but my favourite :o)
Comments on this photo
Lol,Sheila,thank you....he has been 'cooking ' here for about 4 years now...but I let him come inside for winter :o)
22 Jul, 2012
nice one, i like its colouring, i was wondering if it cooked as well?
22 Jul, 2012
All your pots look lovely! So much colour! :-)
22 Jul, 2012
Mine are just starting to flower, but i always think there worth waiting for.
22 Jul, 2012
Thats a lovely one , like the dark Sepals;0)
22 Jul, 2012
Thanks Sticki..can't beat a bit of colour in your cooking :o)
Thanks Leigh..this is the first airing for this pot..bought it last year,with this Fuchsia in mind..couldn't wait to get it down from the loft ! :o)
I agree,Carol..but they all look as though they are going to look good..so worth the wait :o)
Thank you,Carole..I haven't been lucky with cuttings this year..a shame,as I was going to give you one..they started ok,but just died..no idea why :o(..this is last years I potted up ..
22 Jul, 2012
22 Jul, 2012
I dont blame you the pot is lovely-goes really well with the stone behind, is that house or wall? :-)
22 Jul, 2012
Thanks Leigh..it's the house wall at the back ..but we have a lot of the same walling all around,and on each side of the steps..and a bit of garden in between ! :o)
22 Jul, 2012
slow like the chef haha, lovely fuschia but cant stand him, so boring to watch
22 Jul, 2012
I didn't mind him,San..but that hair ! Preferred him to Gordon Ramsey though,anyday..I switch off he comes on..can't even bear his voice ! ..takes all sorts eh ? :o)
22 Jul, 2012
Not too keen on that particular chef but oh what a very pretty fuschia. Perhaps you could change its name by deed poll! Gino d'Acampo or Delia or Hairy Biker? Sorry I am being silly now - thoughts of that campsite and nights under the stars!!
22 Jul, 2012
Lol,Chris..maybe just the surname then .Barlow,Newman ?
..or just plain Gary..and yes,you are being silly..are you trying to plead insanity so your OH won't want to take you with him ? :o))..stop being such a wuzz,and get out there,in the great outdoors ..forget the outside showers ! :o))))
23 Jul, 2012
: - )
Just call it Gary for my sake!!!
24 Jul, 2012
Ok,will do ...just for you..and I see your OH has managed to persuade you to go camping,with either his charms ,bribery,or your arm up your back ! ..just seem your PM..Lol..have a lovely time,and hope the weather is kind to you :o) x
24 Jul, 2012
Many thanks - I think the weather is about to go downhill at the weekend - that should add to the enjoyment shouldn't it?!!!
25 Jul, 2012
I think it is going to stay fine,Chris..but a bit cooler .take your bedsocks and you will be fine :o)..We haven't seen any sun today..very cloudy but still warm..a lot more bearable than yesterday :o)
25 Jul, 2012
I like your optimism and wish I shared it.
25 Jul, 2012
You will get into the spirit,once you are on your way,Chris..I hope !! x
25 Jul, 2012
:-0 cant believe you dont like gordon ramsey bloomer!!! shocking! I love him, and simon cowell! :-)))
31 Jul, 2012
Takes all sorts,Leigh ...He never did anything for me ! :o)
31 Jul, 2012
lol ramseys got the guts going into the prison and simon-well, id just marry him for his money hehe! ;-)
31 Jul, 2012
He will be well protected,Leigh..his own minders :o) ..and as for Simon..are you sure it isn't because he is with the lovely Pudsey dog ..and not the money? ..Lol.
31 Jul, 2012
haha! that dog is well cool! :-)
31 Jul, 2012
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Nice one . . . has the chef turned to gardening then?!
22 Jul, 2012