Nasty surprise found hanging in French kitchen!

24 Jan, 2012
Got home to find this hanging in the kitchen...answers on a!
Comments on this photo
Saucisse sèche?
24 Jan, 2012
After much consideration I think it's a ...
... nasty surprise :o(((
24 Jan, 2012
I was afraid that it was a bit of juju, when I got in...shrunken head perhaps???
But, no...I remembered that I'd left an Italian Coppa hanging up...
Very close, Severnside! :))))
24 Jan, 2012
Lol. The prize goes to Severnside ...
What's the prize ?
... is it the nasty surprise ? ;o)
24 Jan, 2012
Haha! What could be better, Terra...a prime, authentic well-aged and well-hung salami! LOL! ;)))
(Not really sure what to do with it...there's a toxic waste disposal centre a few kilometers away.....)
24 Jan, 2012
Reports of a UFO in your kitchen have gone viral ...
... Men in space suits are on their way to you now.
24 Jan, 2012
I could be sitting (hanging) on a miracle cure for many (as yet undiscovered) diseases, Terra...
...hold back the space-men until I get a patent...!
24 Jan, 2012
Lol... too late ... the little green men are coming to collect their fossilised French cousin ...
24 Jan, 2012
Ah,'s probably for the best...
...we don't want any pandemics being traced back to a small hamlet in south-west France, I suppose...
...have sent out for plastic tunnels....
24 Jan, 2012
I was eating when I clicked that!
24 Jan, 2012
Oooooh, sorry Pimpernel!! I'm sure that it will still be okay in the middle, though....!
24 Jan, 2012
lol.....ha ha ha...ok in the middle...nice one!!! p.s. I knew it was sausage as soon as I saw it...perhaps that tells you something about my food storage habits! :))
24 Jan, 2012
My mate Mr Granelli would be apauled if he thought you were going to throw away the outside !!
24 Jan, 2012 two are killing me!!...with mouldy sausage!!
24 Jan, 2012
I'm not Joking KS..He has a Mummified Ham in the cellar that he bought in Italy...He has not been "home" for at least 7 years..!
24 Jan, 2012
See! They're built to last!!!
Anyone for the 'rind'? Signore Granelli? lol! :)))
24 Jan, 2012
24 Jan, 2012 do you know about that mummy Pimps...can you smell it from your sitting room? ;)
24 Jan, 2012
Not if I keep the windows shut.!
24 Jan, 2012
S'spect it's perfectly okay in the middle... in white on the way...
24 Jan, 2012
lol..made me think of this K
So you been home then? :)
25 Jan, 2012
It looks scary! Yuck!
25 Jan, 2012
Just what I wanted to see first thing this morning ! Remember those little aliens on the 'Smash' advert,saying people from "uddersfield "were knocking hell out of potato's to make mash ? I will send them round to deal with your monstrosity...might taste ok when in packet should be dried out enough by now ! See,we are famous here for something .Lol:o))
25 Jan, 2012
It blends nicely with the stone though..almost camoflaged no wonder she missed it.
25 Jan, 2012
It does,Pimp..I will agree with that..Salmonella on a string..very upmarket design..should sell well...
25 Jan, 2012
GoY crashed on me last night - was it just me or did it happen to anyone else?
Hi Pixi and Delonix! Yes, home at last...luckily this coppa is the only casualty of the winter (apart from a couple of roof tiles which need jiggling)...
...know what you mean tho' - it does camouflage nicely with the stone, Pim...even the cleaner only noticed it last week!
I was in the kitchen for ages before I saw the scary bondaged 'face' looking at me...took a while and an apprehensive close-up inspection to realise what it was...
...I'm wondering what will happen if I just leave it for a bit trend in kitchen fossils? Maybe I could market them, Bloomer? lol!
25 Jan, 2012
The more I look at it,the more it has a face..a bit like "The Scream" ? ..just going to take my tablet ! :o) How about a doorstop ? Lol.
25 Jan, 2012
I saw a hanging fish, well half a fish with an evil fish face, Then I saw one of Dr Who's monsters. A word of advice Karen.....SACK YOUR CLEANER!!! Lol
25 Jan, 2012
Shrunken head...that's what I saw...spooky..., you're right! I must speak to that cleaner......
...although, in fairness it has sort of 'organically' blended into the kitchen! lol!
25 Jan, 2012
I suppose the flies would have been more of a give away in the summer!!
25 Jan, 2012
Ah..GoY completely crashed on me as well Bad Gateway 505.
25 Jan, 2012
I've never seen that before Pimp..I thought it was something I had done..but noticed google and emails were ok,so gave it up as a bad job..and closed down earlier than usual..not a bad thing..:o).So I will know what it is,if it happens again...
25 Jan, 2012
Oh well...stopped us going into 'the night of the living dead', I suppose...or maybe that was just me :o !!
25 Jan, 2012
Not just you,Karen..but I got to bed a bit earlier ! :o)
25 Jan, 2012
But, that not where THEY come to get you! lol!!! :)
...Ignore that - I've been in Africa too long already...
25 Jan, 2012
Maybe I am one of them,Karen..feels like it sometimes ! Lol.
25 Jan, 2012
Are you back in France for good?
26 Jan, 2012
...errr...ongoing negotiations with OH...
...very difficult - still want to have OH - but, also, life (as we know it) as well! :/
27 Jan, 2012
Oh dear Karen.....can't you just be a roving reporter? x
30 Jan, 2012
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Was it once a cabbage?
24 Jan, 2012