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Look what landed on my bird feeder on Christmas Day


By Lily2

Look what landed on my bird feeder on Christmas Day

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Happy New Year, Lily ..
you're over-feeding those garden birds ;o)

31 Dec, 2011


A Happy New Year, goodness..they breed them big down your way !..:o)

31 Dec, 2011


It may have landed, Lily ... but I doubt it'll take off again! ... Have a very happy new year ... :o)

31 Dec, 2011


we seem to be following each other tonight,Shirley ! :o)

31 Dec, 2011


Hello Terra, Sandra and Shirley and a very Happy New Year to you all :o))
mmmm Terra, he's does look like he's eaten all the pies doesn't he....and everything else as well!
Oh yes Sandra, big but not beautiful. I think he looks a bit cross LOL
Very funny Shirley but I doubt Daisy would take him on even if he can't get lift off!

31 Dec, 2011


Lol, Bloomer ... OH has gone to bed as he's coughing so much ... seem to remember last year was about the same ... :o( ... Nothing I want to watch on TV so flitting about on here between some very funny/rude e-mails and GoY! ... :o)

Lily, Megan almost caught a Seagull in the back garden today ... just a nano-second away from it! ... Can you imagine if she had? ... lol! . . . . .

31 Dec, 2011


Judging by the size of him Lily, you've been putting out lots of pies!!! lol

31 Dec, 2011


He does look a bit fearsome Lily..and determined not to let anyone else in that feeder ! ?
Oh dear Shirley..hope he doesn't go down that road again..I am flitting from one to another as well..very boring TV ,which is the norm for New year..! many repeats or best of.. rubbish..!

31 Dec, 2011


He'll be fine, Sandra, I like to share so have given him my 48hr. 'bug' ... lol! ... methinks I'll be in the spare room tonight ! . . . . .

31 Dec, 2011


Happy new year Lily. I hope you enjoyed Christmas too :o)

1 Jan, 2012



1 Jan, 2012


I hope you don't get any real robins getting tetchy with this and trying to attack it. Blunt beaks all round!

1 Jan, 2012


He looks a bit grumpy about that tiny platform Lily. 'Oi I can't reach the seeds as I'm in the way! Iv'e flown all the way from big fat red chested birdland and this is where I land'!

1 Jan, 2012


Oh Lily, you been feeding the pidgies again? Lol
Happy New Year mi ole Bez x x

1 Jan, 2012


Shirley, I think Megan would def have come off worst with a seagull, sorry you've had another bug ridden Christmas :o((
Not me Sheila, it was Santa who's been feeding him up!
No chance of anyone else getting on there with him Sandra and especially no pigeons Val, A very happy New Year to you too :o))
Thank you Hywel and I wish you very happy and snow-free New Year :o))
Blunt beaks indeed Gattina, robins are very agressive but I think they'll have met their match!
LOL Dorjac, very funny. The longer he stays then, the thinner he'll get - problem solved!

1 Jan, 2012


you have been over feeding him Lily lol, hope you had a nice christmas and newyear :o)) x

1 Jan, 2012


Very ingenious Lily. He/she/it will reach a point where no seed left . Then an assisted flight might be required to convey 'big red chested bird' to his final resting place!!!**** lol:0))x

2 Jan, 2012


I think he's got rigor-mortis already Dorjac. Assisted flight coming up any day now! LOL
Hi Sandra, yes I did thankyou. I hope the New Year brings you only good things :o)) x

2 Jan, 2012


How much Lily? I will buy Mr Rigor Mortis :)

2 Jan, 2012


Hey Katarina that's a very good name for him but I'm afraid he's priceless! Christmas present from my daughter so he has to stay even if I don't love him. LOL :o))

2 Jan, 2012


I know the feeling Lily....once my sister-in-law gave me a paint your own garden gnome, and the next year a frog doorstop with half a brick in his tummy. My cleaner fell in love with the frog. The gnome made a smart journey to the charity shop as fast as his unpainted feet would go. Daughters prezzies. I don't know about though.

3 Jan, 2012


You will get used, Lily.:)

3 Jan, 2012


Your right Katarina I shall get used to him, or partially hide him under a bush. :o)
No trip to the charity shop for this one Dorjac, my daughter lives nearby and is often here so there's no chance of just getting him out when I know she's visiting. I'm glad the frog turned into a prince for someone!

3 Jan, 2012


Tell us the frog story...sounds attractive _)

3 Jan, 2012


I'm not sure about the exact fairy tale but something about a princess in search of her true love and had to kiss a lot of frogs before she found the one who turned into a handsome prince. I expect the prince had been turned into a frog by a wicked witch and the spell could only be broken by a kiss from a princess....or something like that!

3 Jan, 2012


..and they all lived happily ever after,! :o))

4 Jan, 2012


At this time of the year one wonders how long one has to retain presents that bomb. The same sister in law once decided to 'chuck out the chintz' and sent a Doulton 'Top o the hill' figure that was a pricey ruby wedding present to her, on account of the dress colour, to auction along with other stuff they had personally collected. About 3 years after given. Excuse was they forgot it was a valuable present from us. After that, all her prezzies didn't darken my doorstep for long!

4 Jan, 2012


My late aunt,once sent two purses for Christmas each for mum and I.The zips wouldn't open,both rusty !
and a deep red 'in your face' lipstick for me..I was 13 at the time,and still wore short socks !..we ended up rolling. with laughter,and threw them in the bin..As she didn't live near,she never knew..

4 Jan, 2012


My OH's scary aunt once gave me a purple flannel that smelled of moth balls. We gave her a quality bottle of sherry and nice box of chocolates. Don't you just love em! Now I just send the folding stuff where appropriate and that is it.....They have to be youngsters to get the folders.

4 Jan, 2012


I bet you never got rid of that smell,Dorjac.Lol.
I think your robin would appeciate being under a bush,Lily,especially this weather ! :o)

4 Jan, 2012


It sounds like you two have some very stingy relatives between you! Fortunately I only give and receive presents with my children and their families and quite often that is of the folding variety especially where teenage children and men are concerned.
My mother in law used to give her lodgers a small gift at Christmas but one of lodgers was a very odd woman. On receiving her gift she unwrapped it immediately, looked at it then said "I don't want that thank you" handed it back and walked off!!

4 Jan, 2012


I think he's very water resistant Sandra but you never know he may just blow or float away now he's on the ground! LOL

4 Jan, 2012


It was only my aunt who was like that,Lily..she used to wait till her neighbour put his garage light on at night,to put his car away,before she went in the kitchen to make a cuppa,so she didn't have to put hers on !! ..get my drift ? ...and saved the teabag to re use in the morning :o)
I thnk your robin will be fine,Lily ..he looks a big strong lad,so he should weather the storm .Lol.

4 Jan, 2012


By the way I rather like those plush singing birds that they sell in the GCs.So far Iv'e avoided the urge to buy a Robin. I have one that is Christmassy and hangs up and tweets carols if you clap!!!!!!Oh my gosh. My aunt, who just died at 103, thought a singing plastic bird was real and opened all the windows for it to fly away. My cousin came home to a well aired house!

5 Jan, 2012


No I've not seen anything like that, whatever will they think up next! That would really wind my cat up. LOL

5 Jan, 2012

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