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By Mossy

My garden

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Lovely view Mossy!

28 Jun, 2011


Oh, you have a White bark tree, that's what I wanted, we have betula papyfira (I think) but it isn't white.

28 Jun, 2011


This is a Betula Jacquemontii. I love them, I planted it a couple of weeks ago.

28 Jun, 2011


Is there any chance mine will be white eventually or should I take it out? I don't have that much room in my garden?

28 Jun, 2011


If it is definately a Papyrifera, it will have a white bark that peels in thin layers which will then expose an orangy/brown colour.
When they are very young they are actually not white, but when they start to mature, the trunk should become white.

29 Jun, 2011


That's true Mossy. There are some that are whiter than others at an earlier stage. I believe Jaquemontii is supposed to be one of the whiter ones. I have five, some are utilis and some are U Jaquemontii. All of them have been white from a very early stage.

29 Jun, 2011


Lovely! :)

29 Jun, 2011


Lovely view Mossy.

29 Jun, 2011


A delightful view, love the Jaquemontii, OH wanted to buy this and I went for Pauls Scarlet Hawthorn, think I made a mistake on this

29 Jun, 2011


Unfortunately I asked for a white tree but I was just on the way out when it arrived, leaving OH to sort it out my parting shot was "that's the wrong one, we asked for a White one" that was 2 or 3 years ago - it's now 9 or 10 foot tall and all brown! I don't mind being patient if it will eventually turn White?
Just makes me a bit cross that a 'garden expert' sold us the wrong tree??

29 Jun, 2011


Dear Stickitoffee, are you sure it is a B. Papyrifera and what is the size of the trunk?
It may be a Betula Nigra with red/brown bark which eventually becomes a Blackish or grey/white colour or it could be a B. Albosinensis with brown orangy bark.
If you would like to send me a photo, maybe I can help further.

29 Jun, 2011


Hello mossy, at the moment my computer is broken and I don't know how to load photos on without it; however on 25th October 2010 I asked a question on here ~ "what colour bark should my tree have?" I included some photos of the tree in that question, the label says 'betula papyrifera' ~ but I'm beginning to wonder if the label is right?

30 Jun, 2011


Hello Stickitoffee,
I have seen your question of last year and I do think that the bark is a bit dark, possibly due to the tree being in too moist an area. I think it may well be a Betula Papyrifera and you say the trunk is only 1 inch, which is very small, so I assume that it is very young tree and you will probably have to wait a bit longer and be a bit more patient. The other alternative is to buy a Betula Jacquemontii that is one of the whitest ones.
I know it is a difficult decision to make.

30 Jun, 2011


Thanks mossy, I am quite happy to be patient, it was making a decision I was struggling with, now that I can make an informed decision, it makes it easier!

If anyone sees a small, young, inexpensive jacquemontii please let me know!! But I won't be looking for a mature one!

1 Jul, 2011



14 Sep, 2011

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