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For sale in the pool at the nursery. Had I the winter pool inside for it, it would be coming home with me. Alas, I don't have it, yet....:-)

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This is a really beautiful water lily! I've added it to my favorites, too!

25 Aug, 2010


Oh, thank you Balcony. I do wish I had a pool for it to live in at home. I have my water barrel, but it goes up and down as far as the water amount and I'm not sure it would appreciate all that. Still tempted. :-)

25 Aug, 2010


What a stunner... looks like plastic!!!!

25 Aug, 2010


Thanks. These always so unbelievably perfect. I must get one, getting this at home would be wonderful.

26 Aug, 2010


Why not, Gt??? go for will keep the humidity up and your plants will love you even more!
I keep mine over winter in a 25 gal. aquarium with three large goldfish. I think I'll invest in a 50 gal aq this winter....the fish are huge and they are breeding...I have about 15 little newbies (they're hard to count so it could be more)...

26 Aug, 2010


I would be putting them in the water barrel, 30g, but that would rise and fall as I water of course. I haven't the space to bring in an aquarium, but sounds like your setup is great Lori.

27 Aug, 2010


lovely water lily GT, is that water hyasinth in there to, i have some but i know in warmer climates its been banned from sale as it blocks the water ways,

27 Aug, 2010


It is. Wouldn't survive outside here and seemed like no one really went for it. Thats all thats left in the pool now. More likely there are few with a year round position for them indoors.

28 Aug, 2010

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