By Sanbaz

11 Jul, 2010
iv lots of these alliums which are taking ages to open so hope they are worth the wait
Comments on this photo
yes these are the only ones which are upright michaella lol, most are bending over, still look lovely though ;o))
11 Jul, 2010
11 Jul, 2010
all in a row.... very nice...
11 Jul, 2010
thankyou holly ;o))
11 Jul, 2010
that was
11 Jul, 2010
nimble fingers holly lol
11 Jul, 2010
you must have...: O )).... im just off to water my pots in a min
11 Jul, 2010
thats what iv been doing holly ;o))
11 Jul, 2010
hope we get some rain this week....
11 Jul, 2010
I like this very much
11 Jul, 2010
we had some for last few days but hardly touched the surface holly, not near enough ;o(
11 Jul, 2010
cheers yorkshire ;o))
11 Jul, 2010
early this morning we ha da tiny bit of drizzle.. but it soon went and hot again... but they say its going to be showery this week....and may have some thunder....
11 Jul, 2010
well we need it but hope we still get a summer holly, especially august as im doing a garden party for joe`s 18th and going to uni celabration ;o))
11 Jul, 2010
lets hope we get a nice lot of rain then back with the sun.... imhaving paris my grandaughter to stay in august for a week... so lets hope it stays nice for her and for your party....
11 Jul, 2010
what a lovely name holly, bet your looking forward to having her stay, hope its lovely for you to ;o0)
11 Jul, 2010
Great photo, Sanbaz, so good of them to line up to have their picture taken. Are these in clay soil? I've never tried growing them as I thought they preferred very well drained soil.
11 Jul, 2010
Thanks sandra.. : O ))
11 Jul, 2010
I have these all around the garden I have been quite frustrated as they seem to have been at the same stage for ages, its nice to see yours as I now know IM IN FOR A TREAT EVENTUALLY LOL
11 Jul, 2010
Love these....really pretty..........
11 Jul, 2010
thanx Gee, was good off them wasnt it lol, no my raised border isnt clay, we filled it with good topsoil, but i do have some growing near my shed and thats clay mixed with composs ;o)
thanx carole, know what you mean these have been a one stage for ages to and just starting to open up nicely ;o))
thankyou janey ;o))
11 Jul, 2010
Mine not quite there yet.
11 Jul, 2010
do the flowers spike out at all carol or just stay tight like this with colour,
11 Jul, 2010
They stay like this,
11 Jul, 2010
Yes, they're great Sandra...You'll have lots more within a couple of years. Mine have made...I've got hundreds of them cropping up all over the rockery and borders!
11 Jul, 2010
Oh, and Gee, min e grow well in our heavy clay.
As Clarice says, Sandra.This is haow the flowers are fully open...Hence their common name..Drumstick Allium!
11 Jul, 2010
thanx carol ;o)
thats great paul, dont mind they are lovely,, nice to see you by the way ;o))
good name for them paul
11 Jul, 2010
Thanks, Paul, I might give them a go next year and see what happens. They are very attractive.
11 Jul, 2010
They look like they are 'Changing the Guard'! lol
11 Jul, 2010
lol Tog,,, standing to attention ;o))
11 Jul, 2010
lovely...i`ve been thinking of trying these are they easy to grow ?
11 Jul, 2010
seem to be elsiemay and apparently seed themselves to ;o) pooped the bulbs in and hey presto lol
11 Jul, 2010
sounds good...i`ll give them a go !
11 Jul, 2010
Stunning Sand. Hope you didn't poop the bulbs in! ha ha he he :o)))
12 Jul, 2010
lol linda just realised hahaha,, oops ;o)))
12 Jul, 2010
Made me laugh for the afternoon. Just made me think what would go through your mind trying to work out what I meant. What was even funnier, was Elsiemay going to do the same.hahaha absolutely hysterical. Lol Priceless. :o))))
12 Jul, 2010
hahaha yes elsiemay mustnt have noticed lol,, well spotted linda ;o))
12 Jul, 2010
You made my day Sand.I enjoyed the laugh. Just wondered if Elsiemay said 'Abracadabra' as opposed to 'Hey Presto' haha :o)))
13 Jul, 2010
lol linda ;o))
13 Jul, 2010
Lovely, just lovely!!
16 Jul, 2010
cheers steve ;o))
16 Jul, 2010
my big ones have flowered but the ones like this are taking their time....these are lovely.
17 Jul, 2010
yes was the same here sandra and now these are a really deep purple and fully open, hope they spread next year
17 Jul, 2010
These are lovely Sandra, thanks for the name Paul.
18 Jul, 2010
thanx dawn really deep purple today, love them ;o)
18 Jul, 2010
Im pleased for you Sandra.
18 Jul, 2010
18 Jul, 2010
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oooooo...look at that...all in a line.... lovely :))
11 Jul, 2010