By Sanbaz

4 May, 2010
hostas coming up now, i have 4 i think
Comments on this photo
thats great holly, i love them and dont get to many slugs so ok, wonder if its cause i have a toad and frog come in my garden.
4 May, 2010
I have to have hostas in pots and then i put vasline round the top of pots so slugs and snails can't get to them as they can't get a grip and slide on the vasline.
4 May, 2010
good idea carol, will remember that is i suddenly get slugs and snails,
4 May, 2010
Oh yes, yours are definitely ahead of mine, mine are only just peeking up above the soil yet.
4 May, 2010
And mine. You need to protect them from slugs and snails. ;o)
4 May, 2010
they seem to just suddenly shoot up this week karen, Tog i could count the snails on one hand last year, i didnt get many maybe because of the toads and frogs around here, not sure ;o)
4 May, 2010
Oh, for sure, froggies and toadies are goodies!!
4 May, 2010
and hedghogs to karen ;o))
4 May, 2010
Ooooh! even better!
4 May, 2010
4 May, 2010
Lovely one, another of my favourite plants.....
4 May, 2010
me to dotty, some dont like the flowers but i do ;o))
5 May, 2010
Lucky you I just can't grow them :0(
5 May, 2010
what a shame sue, have you tried them in pots, they are lovely plants ;o)
5 May, 2010
With a bit of luck you should have more frogs and toads now with your new pond Sandra.. and even less slugs than last year ;-)
5 May, 2010
hope so richard, im surprised ive not seen my froggy yet or the toad, but there`s time, especially when young ones appear ;o))
5 May, 2010
I saw the first frog in my new pond yesterday Sandra. Our neighbour has recently filled in her pond so I hope he brings his froggy pals here with him :-)
5 May, 2010
thats great richard, i havent seen any yet this year and normally have a few, just my luck now i have a pond hahah
6 May, 2010
Will you be getting any fish in your pond Sandra?
6 May, 2010
im thinking of a couple of goldfish as its not that deep but clarice said they will be fine, ive seen her pond and its about the same depth as mine, so we are going to get some when im back from holidays ;o))
6 May, 2010
That will give a bit of extra interest for you Sandra having a few goldfish. I can only have a few sticklebacks in mine :-)
6 May, 2010
lol richard, i get herons flying over so may not last long, will see ;o))
6 May, 2010
OOO you'll have to put a 'no landing' sign in your garden for them Sandra :-)
6 May, 2010
yes good thinking richard lol
6 May, 2010
If you want frogs in your pond get some frogsporn and they will stay forever.LOL
7 May, 2010
thanx shinobi i will see what happens naturally first, i was told not to get frogspwn out of another pond cause he can cause disease, can you actually buy it from pond places when its the season ;o)
7 May, 2010
Hi Sanbaz & mother bought three Hosta almost identical to yours above for me thirteen years ago, I have them in the biggest Planters I can now as they are huge I will try and get photos of them....and load them....I also grease the tops of the Planters to stop the slugs and snails from getting at them.....
Just a little sad note, when I see the ponds, and how much pleasure they give everyone who has one...when we moved house and downsized, sadly we could not bring our fish with us, and now we haven't really the room, I have two Dalmation fish in the house tho to make up for it lol....
10 May, 2010
My daughter is getting some frogspawn from a friends pond today -I thought that I would try it Sandra. :-)
Shinobi -thanks for the idea :-)
10 May, 2010
i was going to do that but was told not to get it from another pond as can infect your pond if anything bad in other pond richard, but im not sure its just what i was told, havent read anything about it, so good luck with that one, ;o)
10 May, 2010
oops sorry crissue missed you there rushing as usual lol, sorry you had to leave your fish and couldnt have them at new place , nice you have a couple of nice ones in the house with you though ;o))
look forward to seeing your hosta in pots to.
10 May, 2010
My 'ponds' are only small Sandra -made from a washing up bowl and mop bucket if you, so if anything goes wrong I can clean them out quite easily. I will put a new pic on my page. It would be more difficult for your large pond so I don't blame you for not trying it. I will let you know how I get on anyway. There has been a frog in there so the 'ponds' should be OK I have filled them with rain water :-)
10 May, 2010
hi sanbaz I had my frogsporn from frogs visiting my pond, but I know loads of people who have had frogsporn off different people and had no problems. If you think about it where has the frog been that has visited your pond probably in someone elses, then someone elses?
10 May, 2010
yes i remember richard and alot easy your right, look forward to future pics ;o)
guess your right shinobi, thanx ;o)
10 May, 2010
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4 May, 2010