Blue Tit
By Janette

19 Jan, 2010
This is a brave little bird it wont fly off when you go into the garden ,he even looks cheeky.....
Comments on this photo
Well why should he fly off Janette ? Bird power ! Lol
19 Jan, 2010
Thanks ,he,s a right cheeky chap lol he even chased off the Nuthatcher today,.....just as I got the camera to take a photo.....:}
19 Jan, 2010 shoot thwarted !
19 Jan, 2010
LOL ......
19 Jan, 2010
great photo janette
19 Jan, 2010
Lovely photo Janette , ..........
19 Jan, 2010
Wonderful pic :o)
20 Jan, 2010
Fantastic photo.
20 Jan, 2010
Brill photo....
20 Jan, 2010
I really don't know how you do it.
20 Jan, 2010
He looks a cheeky little devil!
20 Jan, 2010
Another brilliant shot Janette...
20 Jan, 2010
He chased off the Nuthatcher?.....His expression says it all 'that'll teach you'....:>)
20 Jan, 2010
Wow! I love this Janette...its a super pic of a super little bird!
20 Jan, 2010
Cheeky , but adoreable
21 Jan, 2010
Another great bird shot......
23 Jan, 2010
Great photo! He is a cute little guy, isn't he?
13 Apr, 2010
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What a Gorgeosu Little Blue Tit Photo Janette :)
19 Jan, 2010