Fooled at last........
By Milky

20 Nov, 2009
After this squirrel runing off with fat ball after fat ball, I have finally managed to put a stop to him, but the old devil just wont give up trying........Lol
Comments on this photo
Thanks Skillen.....
20 Nov, 2009
I want to attract squirrels into my garden...have seen one or two but am I asking for trouble?LOL!!
21 Nov, 2009
I did warn all that Bonkersbon was going around GoY eating his way around it lol Lovely picture Maureen he he its soo cute well captured.
21 Nov, 2009
rrrrrr bless him :o)) brill photo.
21 Nov, 2009
Awwww Poor Squirrel :))))
21 Nov, 2009
Are you feeling guilty now or do you put something for him elsewhere?
21 Nov, 2009
lol maureen, he`s still cute isnt he :o)))
21 Nov, 2009
Gee I am not feeling guilty at all.......he gets plenty with what else is around...He strips our Acorns and runs off with great bug chunks of bread....He is so funny.....But I wont have him bullying the Sparrows while they eating brekkie.....
21 Nov, 2009
why dont you get a squirrel box Gee that way he has his own :o) oops miss read then Gee you were advising , lol never mind just ignore me heheh
21 Nov, 2009
Great pic, they are little devils are they not?
21 Nov, 2009
I notice you refer to it as a "Him or He" funny how us males always get the blame :-(
22 Nov, 2009
Ha ha ha Well its usually your fault Davey........Lol he he he
23 Nov, 2009
Nice one Maureen. The little devil that visits us broke the bottom off the nut feeder so I put is back on with 4 cable ties and he bit through them the next day and the nuts ended up on the floor again, grrr. John has made metal ties now, so we'll see.
25 Nov, 2009
They are such wiley little b*****s arent they Dawn......and they dont give up trying.......
25 Nov, 2009
They sure are Maureen. I put peanuts in their shells on the floor for them but sometimes that is just not enough. I have to admire them though.
25 Nov, 2009
Yep a chap just wont give up without a good old fight when it comes to depriving him of his nuts lol
26 Nov, 2009
Ha ha ha .....could be arranged Davey.........
26 Nov, 2009
Ooh...a lovely pic berries, cheeky squirrel...beautiful!
26 Nov, 2009
Did you see the Squirrel whose ofspring had been caught by a dog - it launched an attack on the dog & in the suprise the mother & baby escaped up a tree,superb story & pictures, heres a link
26 Nov, 2009
Yes I read it Davey it was a brilliant story.......NEVER RILE A MOTHER...
26 Nov, 2009
We old devils are like that Milky.
27 Nov, 2009
Wonderful photo its lovely with all those berries well captured squirrels are so determind you have to let him have one for persistance hehe
27 Nov, 2009
Ha Toto.....dont I know it.......Got to keep our eyes on you at all times... Thanks Morgana..
27 Nov, 2009
He does have that 'determined' look about him doesn't he ! Are they rose hips ?
4 Dec, 2009
Yes Muddy they are......but between the squirrel and the sparrows they are disappearing fast..............
4 Dec, 2009
10 out of 10 for trying. He'll soon fathom how to undo the top.
7 Dec, 2009
Ha...already though of that Lindak and got it wired up.....Lol
7 Dec, 2009
You ought to make him walk ropes up and down to gain a treat. A performing squirrel.....
7 Dec, 2009
Now there is an idea to while away the winter blues............
7 Dec, 2009
A squirrel assault course perhaps he'll wear khaki for the occasion. Squirrels are very clever though. A friend of mine has them in her garden and they are great to watch but they do do damage by digging little holes in the lawn and digging up the plants.
8 Dec, 2009
Dont we know it Lindak.....I have now got netting on my pots of bulbs to keep him out.....
8 Dec, 2009
I have put wire netting over her pots too Milky.
8 Dec, 2009
Good on you.....
9 Dec, 2009
love it
1 Jan, 2010
Thanks John......Happy New Year to you x x x
2 Jan, 2010
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Lol - great pic Milky!
20 Nov, 2009