Gardeners World Plant List 14th August 2009
By peter
Here’s the second of my catch up plant lists for the most recent Gardener’s World.
Even the pro’s can’t avoid the weather, this week’s Gardener’s World seemed like the final nail in the coffin of our ‘barbecue summer’ – although down here in hampshire we’ve just had a glorious weekend. There was more talk of tomato blight this week, which has just forced me to get rid of all my plants too.
Toby and Joe were creating a (drenched) coastal garden at Greenacre and planted up
Euphorbia myrsinites (Myrtle spurge)
And Toby took a trip to RHS Hyde Hall for some inspiration…
Nigella damascena (Love-in-a-mist) – strange seed pods
Eryngium giganteum (Miss Willmott’s ghost)
Glaucium flavum (Yellow horned poppy) – Bright yellow flowers
Back at Greenacre Toby borrowed some of the plant ideas from RHS Hyde Hall for his coastal garden, planting up:
Santolina chamaecyparissus (Cotton lavender) – silver foliage
Crambe maritima (Sea kale)
Verbascum bombyciferum ‘Polarsommer’ (Broussa mullein)
Erigeron karvinskianus (Mexican fleabane)
Eryngium pandanifolium (Giant sea holly)
Alys was force to work under cover and was taking cuttings from the bee border…
Verbena rigida – low growing
Trifolium rubens (Red feather clover)
Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Erica’ (Culver’s root) – compact and good for small areas.
Carol’s spot this week was all about Astilbes…
Astilbe chinensis ‘Professor van der Wielen’ – Carol’s favourite
Astible chinensis var. taquetii ‘Superba’ – Pink, narrow spikes
As planting partners for Astilbes, Carol mentioned little roses such as:
Rosa ‘Little White Pet’
Joe was planting up the shelter roof on his designer front garden and along with some succulents added:
Libertia ‘Taupo Blaze’
Toby took cuttings from one of Joe’s succulents:
Sempervivum arachnoideum (Cobweb houseleek)
Then were taken to a garden designed for wildlife in Lymington, Hampshire:
Spigelia marilandica (Indian pink)
Not so many plants this week, maybe because they were shed bound by the conditions. Hope you’ve all had better wether, and happy gardening :o)
17 Aug, 2009
More blog posts by peter
Previous post: Gardeners World Plant List 7th August 2009
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Hi Lily2, if you're in the UK you can catch up on GW using iPlayer on the BBC website - most programmes are available to watch online for 7 days after they're broadcast normally.
17 Aug, 2009
Thanks Peter.
17 Aug, 2009
You're welcome :o)
17 Aug, 2009
It was wet wasn't it lol. but we haven't had bad weather here. Next week we'll have to see Gardener's world on Saturday at 4.30 .
18 Aug, 2009
Thanks Peter, not sure how to go about that but I'll find out.
18 Aug, 2009
Lilly i dont know how you get it.
18 Aug, 2009
It was fun watching them get wet and trying to stay all up-beat about it! (evil laugh!!!) Makes you wonder why they don't just film a different day...
18 Aug, 2009
Very wet, Hywel :o) It's been lovely here too for the last few days.
Liily, Clarice, if you go here, you'll see GW listed:
18 Aug, 2009
I was wondering the same thing Sid, I guess they all go to Greenacre from their separate homes and have to film it then?
18 Aug, 2009
Well, well, well. Thanks Peter, I never knew iplayer was something you could get on your computer. I thought it was a piece of equipment! Now I shall spend even MORE time on it. :o)))
18 Aug, 2009
Hi Lily, I hope I haven't cost you too much time :o)
20 Aug, 2009
I can always find time to spend on gardening, gardening programmes or GOY Peter, housework can wait ! :o))
20 Aug, 2009
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What a pity I fell asleep during it, quite a few things there would have interested me.....but I did see them working in the heavy rain! I've always had a tendency to fall asleep during GW, don't know why, maybe it's relaxing. Anybody else have this problem?
17 Aug, 2009