The big day
By peter
I’ve just read everyone’s kind words for my wedding on Bonker’s garden blog – thanks you all :o)
Well, where to start? We were so busy beforehand making preparations that I’ve not really been in the garden, or had time for anything else.
We did organise everything ourselves – well, mainly my (now) wife did :o) which meant that in the run up there were constant worries about what we might have forgotten. My task was to organise good weather!
In the end we were very lucky with the weather – I was at the venue with 4 ushers and a bestman waiting to see whether we should set the chairs up outside or inside, about an hour before Akane was due to arrive the skies cleared. Then the first guests arrived an hour early!! Fortunately they were relatives so they got given chairs to carry too.
We had the ceremony in the garden but the sky darkened just as Akane arrived. Fortunately I only felt a couple of rain spots before it lightened up again. It stayed a pleasant temperature and overcast but dry all day so we were really pleased we could stay outside and enjoy the fantastic garden.
Akane’s table decorations worked wonderfully after a panic over how stable the vases were (not very). We lost two in the morning and had to warn guests about knocking the tables as they entered the marquee. We had a single stem of orchids in very tall vases with steelgrass surrounding – tall and thin to avoid getting in people’s line of sight.
I’ll post some pictures when I get some as I’m relying on others; I didn’t think about it at the time but you don’t take a camera to your own wedding :o)
We have flowers filling the house at the moment despite giving most of them away! We kept one of the table decorations and gave the rest of the orchids and vases to friends and family that came to help us clean on Sunday. We also have one of the bridesmaids’ bouquets and one of the pedestal arrangments (the other went to friends with a car big enough to carry it). The pedestal arrangment has been partially dismantled and made two new small arrangement but is still taking up a quarter of the lounge!
Like everyone warned, the day went incredibly fast but we had a great time! The cake deserves a blog of its own which I’ll explain later but for now, here’s some shots of the flowers at home :o)
Hope you’re all well.
Bridesmaid’s bouquet
Rose in the pedestal arrangement
Pedestal arrangement
27 Jun, 2008
More blog posts by peter
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What lovely flowers! but no Nasturtiums :-( We were all thinking about you and Akane, as you may have gathered! Glad it went well and especially glad that the weather was kind to you. How does it feel being Mr. and Mrs. ?
27 Jun, 2008
congrats to both you and Akane....... so glad the weather was kind to you, the flower arrangements look so beautiful.
27 Jun, 2008
Gorgeous roses! Glad the day went well :-)
27 Jun, 2008
Thanks everyone!
We were both very relieved about the weather.
The nasturtiums are still short little plants at the moment, so didn't make it to the wedding :o)
I like being Mr & Mrs very much - I've never worn jewellery though and my wedding ring feels very consipcuous.
27 Jun, 2008
Are you sure you're not getting the flowers mixed up with the cake, they look sooooooooooooo edible !!
Congratulations !!
27 Jun, 2008
Akane is good at flower arranging. The marquee must have looked spectacular. I'm glad the weather kept dry for you and all went well. Best wishes to you both - Hywel ( Blodyn )
28 Jun, 2008
Clueless - We kind of got them mixed up, but not that way round.
Blodyn - She is, but the pictures above were done by a professional.
I'll try to get a photo of the cake and table flowers (Akane's) for you soon.
28 Jun, 2008
Congratulations Peter, glad all went well. All the best for the future.
28 Jun, 2008
So glad that the Big Day went so well, after all those months of planning. Congratulations from us here!
28 Jun, 2008
Congratulations to you both, pleased everything went well & the weather was kind to you. All the best for for the future.
28 Jun, 2008
Thanks guys :o) I think I'll be getting a few photos tomorrow, will post them then.
28 Jun, 2008
Congrats to you and your wife Peter. Your wedding flowers were beautiful. Best wishes to you both...
28 Jun, 2008
So pleased to hear your day went well and amazed the weather held off for you.It was really awful in many parts and although Im sure you only had eyes for each other - gale force winds and torrential rain is not welcome on any Wedding day.
28 Jun, 2008
Flowers were beautiful! Love the use of host leaves in the bridesmaids bouquets, works well with the roses.
Many congratualtions to you both.
29 Jun, 2008
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Hi Peter,
Congratulations to you both, and so pleased to hear that everything went to plan and you had good weather.The floral displays look lovely.
Best wishes to you and your wife.
Grenville and Alan.
27 Jun, 2008